13 MAR 2014 by ideonexus
Giordano Bruno Observations of the Sun
The meaning is the more excellence, as it is the less vulgar, and you will see that it is single, unified, and not strained. You must consider that although the sun appears different with respect to different regions of the earth according to time and place, nevertheless with respect to the entire globe it acts always and everywhere in the same way, for in whatever point of the ecliptic it may find itself, it causes winter, summer, autumn, and spring, and the entire earthly globe receives the......and it's effects on the Earth.
17 MAY 2012 by ideonexus
Benjamin Franklin on Daylight Savings Time
I say it is impossible that so sensible a people [citizens of Paris], under such circumstances, should have lived so long by the smoky, unwholesome, and enormously expensive light of candles, if they had really known that they might have had as much pure light of the sun for nothing.Noting that the people of Paris spend much money on candles when they could simply adjust their clocks to rise with the sun.
20 MAY 2011 by ideonexus
The Natural Economy is Solar Powered
The natural economy is solar-powered. Photons from the sun rain down upon the entire
daytime surface of the planet. Many photons do nothing more useful than heat up a rock or a sandy
beach. A few find their way into an eye - yours, or mine, or the compound eye of a shrimp or the
parabolic reflector eye of a scallop. Some may happen to fall on a solar panel - either a man-made
one like those that, in a fit of green zeal, I have just installed on my roof to heat the bathwater, or a
green leaf, ...All life on Earth deals in exchanges of sunbeams.