23 JAN 2011 by ideonexus

 Taboos Against Homosexuality Promote its Genetic Survival

The taboo against homosexuality is especially interesting. There is not generally accepted biological explanation of homosexuality and superficially it does not appear to be adaptive. Nevertheless, evidence is accumulating that there is an inherited predisposition for homosexuality. Assuming this is the case, the taboos of the past would, paradoxically, have favoured the survival of these genes by forcing the people who carried them, against their wishes, to marry and have children. This sugg...
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By forcing homosexuals to live heterosexual lives, the genes for homosexuality survive.

30 NOV -0001 by ideonexus

 The Tyranny of the Written Word

Nevertheless, almost everybody speaks better than he writes. (This also applies to authors.) Writing is a highly formalized technique which, in purely physiological terms, demands a peculiarly rigid bodily posture. To this there corresponds the high degree of social specialization that it demands. Professional writers have always tended to think in caste terms. The class character of their work is unquestionable, even in the age of universal compulsory education. The whole process is extraord...
Folksonomies: phonetics
Folksonomies: phonetics
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How absurd, nonsensical writing and grammar rules push people out of expressing themselves in a medium that is purely a monologue anyway.