"Healthy Aging" is not enough
“The universe is full of magical things, patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper.” http://www.longecity.org/forum/page/index.html/_/articles/action/brokenportal2010
Achieving indefinite life extension is the most important, urgent, and time-sensitive cause ever undertaken in the history of humanity,Regardless of whether we ultimately find that we can achieve indefinite life extension or not, we need to go all the way and see. Our lives- this amazing shot at this incredible mysterious existence- depend on it. We can not afford to sell ourselves short on this.
sentiments expressed by proponents of the compression of morbidity, though very noble and well meaning, are misleading and harmful to this cause.
Pro-Arguments for Simplified Chinese Characters
Proponents feel that simplified characters having fewer strokes makes it easier to learn.[7] Literacy rates have risen steadily in rural and urban areas since the simplification of the Chinese characters, while this trend was hardly seen during 30 years of Kuomintang (KMT) rule and 250 years of Manchurian rule before them, when the traditional writing system was dominant, though this rise in literacy may not necessarily be due to simplification alone. Although Taiwan, which uses traditio...A list of bullet points from wikipedia on how simplified chinese characters improve literacy and alleviate social oppression.
The Dream is to Find an Open Channel
Through all the ages men have tried to fathom the meaning of life. They have realized that if some direction or meaning could be given to our actions, great human forces would be unleashed. So, very many answers must have been given to the question of the meaning of it all. But they have been of all different sorts, and the proponents of one answer have looked with horror at the actions of the believers in another. Horror, because from a disagreeing point of view all the great potentialities ...Leaving the door open, understanding that we are perpetually figuring it all out, and this understanding motivated the founding fathers in formulating democracy.