25 OCT 2017 by ideonexus
The False Promise of WWW Enlightenment
Never before have so many people been connected together in an instantly responsive network through which memes can spread faster than natural viruses. But the notion that taking the whole world online would create a utopia of netizens, all equal in cyberspace, was always a fantasy—as much a delusion as Luther’s vision of a “priesthood of all believers.” The reality is that the global network has become a transmission mechanism for all kinds of manias and panics, just as the combinati...25 OCT 2017 by ideonexus
Profligation of Biblical Literacy Led to Ideological Trib...
Luther thought the result of his movement to reform the Roman Catholic Church would be what came to be called “the priesthood of all believers,” the sixteenth-century equivalent of Zuckerberg’s “global community.” In practice, the Protestant Reformation produced more than a century of bloody religious conflict. This was because new doctrines such as Luther’s, and later John Calvin’s, did not spread evenly through European populations. Although Protestantism swiftly acquired the ...29 JAN 2015 by ideonexus
Science as a Religion
"On the contrary. That was the time to begin all-out prevention of war. I
played them one against the other. I helped each in turn. I offered them
science, trade, education, scientific medicine. I made Terminus of more
value to them as a flourishing world than as a military prize. It worked
for thirty years."
"Yes, but you were forced to surround these scientific gifts with the most
outrageous mummery. You've made half religion, half balderdash out of it.
You've erected a hier...19 APR 2013 by ideonexus
The Death of Socrates
The burning of the Pythagorean school had already signalized the war, not less ancient, not less eager, of the oppressors of mankind against philosophy. The one and the other will continue to be waged as long as there shall exist priests or kings upon the earth; and these wars will occupy a conspicuous place in the picture that we have still to delineate.
Priests saw with grief the appearance of men, who, cultivating the powers of reason, ascending to first principles, could not but discover...Folksonomies: history philosophy
Folksonomies: history philosophy
Retaliation from the priesthood.