24 JUN 2013 by ideonexus
Complex Brains as an Advertisement for Genetic Fitness
The healthy brain theory suggests that our brains are different from those of other apes not because extrava- gantly large brains helped us to survive or to raise offspring, but because such brains are simply better advertisements of how good our genes are. The more complicated the brain, the easier it is to mess up. The human brain's great complexity makes it vulnerable to impairment through mutations, and its great size makes it physiologically costly. By producing behaviors such as languag...The cognitive tricks performed by our complex brains may not have a survival benefit, but they do advertise the overall fitness of our genes.
20 SEP 2011 by ideonexus
Mating Strategies of Males and Females
A vivid demonstration of this difference can be seen by looking up the record number of children sired by a human female versus a male. If you were to guess the maximum number of children that a woman could produce in a lifetime, you’d probably say around fifteen. Guess again. The Guinness Book of World Records gives the “official” record number of children for a woman as sixty-nine, produced by an eighteenth century Russian peasant. In twenty-seven pregnancies between 1725 and 1745, sh...A Great summary of the differences between them evolutionarily.
29 MAY 2011 by ideonexus
Cultural Moors and Sex
Different cultures today have evolved different sets of sexual mores, resulting in differences in male and female behavior. In Sweden, a social democracy where women have great economic independence, we see a high degree of sexual freedom among women. Without needing to depend on men for their security, Swedish women need not be concerned so much with testing potential mates for commitment and generosity. The result is greater promiscuity among women: a study showed Swedish men prize a potent...Countries with equality between the sexes have more sex and less violence.
29 MAY 2011 by ideonexus
Human Drives That Open Us to Memes
Here are a few second-order instinctual drives some people seem to have that are all opportunities for memes to take advantage of: - Belonging. Humans are gregarious-that is, they like company. There are any number of evolutionary reasons for the existence of this drive, including safety in numbers, economies of scale, and simply the presence of more potential mates. Memes that give people a feeling of belonging to a group have an advantage over memes that don't. - Distinguishing yourself. ...Folksonomies: memetics
Folksonomies: memetics
There are instinctual needs humans have that memes exploit to take root in our minds.