12 DEC 2017 by ideonexus

 Feminist Portrayal in Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Writing

All day the memory of this interview haunted him. He felt that he had come very badly out of it. She had showed herself to be his superior on his own pet subject. She had been courteous while he had been rude, self-possessed when he had been angry. And then, above all, there was her presence, her monstrous intrusion to rankle in his mind. A woman doctor had been an abstract thing before, repugnant but distant. Now she was there in actual practice, with a brass plate up just like his own, comp...
Folksonomies: feminism fiction
Folksonomies: feminism fiction
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21 JUN 2012 by ideonexus

 Doctors Should Pause Before Tending to Patients

When a doctor arrives to attend some patient of the working class, he ought not to feel his pulse the moment he enters, as is nearly always done without regard to the circumstances of the man who lies sick; he should not remain standing while he considers what he ought to do, as though the fate of a human being were a mere trifle; rather let him condescend to sit down for awhile.
Folksonomies: medicine
Folksonomies: medicine
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And consider that it is a a human being they are tending to.

17 MAY 2012 by ideonexus

 Psychiatry is Magic

A layman will no doubt find it hard to understand how pathological disorders of the body and mind can be eliminated by 'mere' words. He will feel that he is being asked to believe in magic. And he will not be so very wrong, for the words which we use in our everyday speech are nothing other than watered-down magic. But we shall have to follow a roundabout path in order to explain how science sets about restoring to words a part at least of their former magical power.
Folksonomies: psychiatry
Folksonomies: psychiatry
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Using mere "words" to heal patients.

25 APR 2012 by ideonexus

 The Link Between Smoking and Cancer

The risk of developing carcinoma of the lung increases steadily as the amount smoked increases. If the risk among non-smokers is taken as unity and the resulting ratios in the three age groups in which a large number of patients were interviewed (ages 45 to 74) are averaged, the relative risks become 6, 19, 26, 49, and 65 when the number of cigarettes smoked a day are 3, 10, 20, 35, and, say, 60—that is, the mid-points of each smoking group. In other words, on the admittedly speculative ass...
Folksonomies: history cancer smoking
Folksonomies: history cancer smoking
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Risk increases with the amount smoked. Saved here for historical reference.

04 JAN 2012 by ideonexus

 A Very Qualified Statement on Experimenting on Patients

I think it perfectly just, that he who, from the love of experiment, quits an approved for an uncertain practice, should suffer the full penalty of Egyptian law against medical innovation; as I would consign to the pillory, the wretch, who out of regard to his character, that is, to his fees, should follow the routine, when, from constant experience he is sure that his patient will die under it, provided any, not inhuman, deviation would give his patient a chance.
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Dr. Thomas Beddoes condemns experiments for the sake of experiments, but appears to leave an opening for humane deviations from treatments where the doctor knows from repeated experience that the treatment does not work.

02 JUN 2011 by ideonexus

 Nurse's Pledge

With full knowledge of the responsibilities I am undertaking, I pledge to care for my patients with all of the knowledge, skills, and understanding that I possess, without regard to race, color, creed, politics, or social status. I will spare no effort to conserve meaningful life, to alleviate suffering, and to promote health. I will refrain from any action, which might be harmful to the quality of life or health of those I care for. I will respect, at all times, the dignity and religious be...
Folksonomies: ethics oath conduct code
Folksonomies: ethics oath conduct code
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Focuses on treating patients equally, respecting dignity, keeping knowledge current, and refraining from doing harm.

17 FEB 2011 by ideonexus

 10,000 Injuries to Infants a Year from Cribs, Playpens, a...

An estimated 181 654 (95% confidence interval: 148 548–214 761) children younger than 2 years of age were treated in emergency departments in the United States for injuries related to cribs, playpens, and bassinets during the 19-year study period. There was an average of 9561 cases per year or an average of 12.1 injuries per 10 000 children younger than 2 years old per year. Most of the injuries involved cribs (83.2%), followed by playpens (12.6%) and bassinets (4.2%). The most common mecha...
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Cribs accounted for of 10,000 injuries per year to infants.