28 APR 2012 by ideonexus
Death by Phosphorous Poisoning
The autopsy of a person who had died from phosphorus poisoning would reveal inflammation a haemorrhage in the stomach and bowel, the liver would show fatty changes and both it, and the kidneys would be enlarged, greasy and of a yellow colour. But the most convincing proof of death due to phosphorus exposure would be to turn off all the lights in the mortuary and see its tell-tale glow...Has many symptoms, but the most disturbing is that the victim glows in the dark.
24 SEP 2011 by ideonexus
A Succinct Definition of Lactate
Lactate is a dynamic substrate with great potential as an energy source in sports drinks. To date, however, the efficacy of adding lactate to these drinks has been sparsely assessed [5,15,16]. Lactate was once considered a metabolic waste but is now recognized as an important energy substrate in the body. Lactate is the main product of carbohydrate metabolism and can be used as a fuel in working muscle cells shuttled to other tissues such as the heart where lactate is fuel [17], or to the liv...A byproduct of our muscles converting carbohydrates to energy, which appears to serve as a secondary energy source.