16 APR 2018 by ideonexus
There is No "Pokemon Gap"
While educators debated whether children learn to read best through drill-and-practice phonics or "whole language" instruction, Nintendo was, quite informally, teaching a generation of children how to read. Pokemon also taught children how to analyze and classify more than 700 different types of creatures through trading cards that were dense with specialized, technical, cross-referenced text. Gee would later call Pokemon "perhaps the best literacy curriculum ever conceived." He offered the o...09 AUG 2014 by ideonexus
Game-Based Learning VS Gamification
Game-based learning is another great way to empower your students to engage with intellectual problems. They get to experience the fiero rush that comes with knowing that they successfully overcame a challenge. That’s right: game-based learning is different from gamification. Gamification is about making a non-game into a game. Game-based learning usually refers to using actual digital video games as a classroom tool (although, traditional non electronic role playing and board games work ex...Folksonomies: education gamification
Folksonomies: education gamification
22 APR 2014 by ideonexus
WHERETO Mnemonic for Lessons
Learning Activities:
What learning experiences and instruction will enable students to achieve the desired results? How will the design
W = Help the students know Where the unit is going and What is expected? Help the teacher know Where the students are coming from (prior knowledge, interests)?
H = Hook all students and Hold their interest?
E = Equip students, help them Experience the key ideas and Explore the issues?
R = Provide opportunities to Rethink and Revise their understandings...Acronym for key elements to hit in any teaching activity.
30 DEC 2013 by ideonexus
Bend Children to Science Through Play
From the evident disposition of children to imitate all the actions of grown persons, from their little scientific propensities to produce in miniature what they see in magnitude, from the delight which they feel, and the deep interest which they take in all their little works and playful amusements, it is certain that nothing more is required to put them in the channel of correct ideas than to give them such instruction, and to bend their minds to such objects as shall at once employ, amuse,...Science provides games and play for children that will bias them toward discovery and exploration.
19 APR 2013 by ideonexus
Science and Education Feed One Another
The progress of the sciences secures the progress of the art of instruction, which again
accelerates in its turn that of the sciences; and this reciprocal influence, the action of
which is incessantly increased, must be ranked in the number of the most prolific and
powerful causes of the improvement of the human race. At present, a young man,
upon finishing his studies and quitting our schools, may know more of the principles
of mathematics than Newton acquired by profound study, or discovere...Progress in one secures progress in the other.
19 APR 2013 by ideonexus
The Importance of Language to Science
There is another species of progress, appertaining to the sciences in question, equally
important; I mean, the improvement of their language, at present so vague and so
obscure. To this improvement must they owe the advantage of becoming popular,
even in their first elements. Genius can triumph over these inaccuracies, as over other
obstacles; it can recognise the features of truth, in spite of the mask that conceals or
disfigures them. But how is the man who can devote but a few leisure mome...An imperfect language communicates vaguely. In science, we require exact and precise terminology to prevent misunderstanding.
27 AUG 2012 by ideonexus
How Knowledge Brought Egalitarianism
The art of printing had been applied to so many subjects, books had so rapidly increased, they were so admirably adapted to every taste, every degree of information, and every situation of life, they afforded so easy and frequently so delightful an instruction, they had opened so many doors to truth, which it was impossible ever to close again, that there was no longer a class or profession of mankind from whom the light of knowledge could absolutely be excluded. Accordingly, though there sti...The printing press resulted in the mass distribution of ideas, which freed humans from established heirarchies.
12 JAN 2012 by ideonexus
State of Mind in a Marathon Coding Session
The peak hour itself was tremendously intense, but during the hours before, and even during the hours afterward, a hacker attained a state of pure concentration. When you programmed a computer, you had to be aware of where all the thousands of bits of information were going from one instruction to the next, and be able to predict—and exploit—the effect of all that movement. When you had all that information glued to your cerebral being, it was almost as if your own mind had merged into th...There is a point where you have the whole program in your head at once, one with it, and you don't want to let it go, so you keep working in a marathon burst of energy.
30 MAY 2011 by ideonexus
Definition of the Encyclopedia
ENCYCLOPEDIE, f. n. (Philosophy). This word means the interrelation of all knowledge; it is made up of the Greek prefix en, in, and the nouns kyklos, circle, and paideia, instruction, science, knowledge. In truth, the aim of an encyclopedia is to collect all the knowledge scattered over the earth, to present its general outlines and structure to the men with whom we live, and to transmit this to those who will come after us, so that the work of past centuries may be useful to the following ce...The noble purpose of this important work.