30 MAY 2016 by ideonexus

 Repressive Desublimation

It refers to the kind of soft authoritarianism preferred by wealthy, consumer culture societies that want to repress political dissent. In such societies, pop culture encourages people to desublimate or express their desires, whether those are for sex, drugs or violent video games. At the same time, they’re discouraged from questioning corporate and government authorities. As a result, people feel as if they live in a free society even though they may be under constant surveillance and forc...
Folksonomies: rhetoric oppression
Folksonomies: rhetoric oppression
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24 DEC 2013 by ideonexus

 We All Experiment

Experimentation is something done by everyone all the time. Babies experiment with what might be good to put in their mouths. Toddlers experiment with various behaviors to see what they can get away with. Teenagers experiment with sex, drugs, and rock and roll. But because people don’t really see these things as experiments or as ways of collecting evidence in support or refutation of hypotheses, they don’t learn to think about experimentation as something they do constantly and thus need...
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Roger Schank describes a world where we are all collecting evidence to test various hypotheses.

21 AUG 2013 by ideonexus

 Drugs is a Human Construct

The human body is an assembly of chemicals, as is all food & all medicine. So what we label as a drug is a social construct. Lifting weights changes your bio-physiology in a way that creates performance-enhancing effects on your body. Drinking coffee changes your metabolism in a way that creates performance-enhancing effects on your body. Eating breakfast changes your biochemstry in a way that creates performance-enhancing effects on your body. Practicing in your sport of choice creat...
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Everyone and every substance is chemicals and molecules. How we classify them is purely a social construct.

12 JUN 2012 by ideonexus

 The Serendipity of Drug Manufacturing

Remember the Three Princes of Serendip who went out looking for treasure? They didn't find what they were looking for, but they kept finding things just as valuable. That's serendipity, and our business [drugs] is full of it.
Folksonomies: synchronicity
Folksonomies: synchronicity
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They don't find what they are looking for, but the find things that are just as valuable.

23 JAN 2012 by ideonexus

 Doctors Interfere with the Living Principle

Doctor, no medicine.—We are machines made to live—organized expressly for that purpose.—Such is our nature.—Do not counteract the living principle.—Leave it at liberty to defend itself, and it will do better than your drugs.
Folksonomies: medicine survival
Folksonomies: medicine survival
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A quote from Emperor Napoléon Bonaparte on how living things know how to survive on their own without the interference of medicine.

02 JUN 2011 by ideonexus

 Teens Share Their Parent's Political Preferences

Are the great generation-splitting debates that were characteristic of the 1960s and 1970s -- about everything from politics and religion to drugs and hair -- splitting today's generations? Not if the results of a new Gallup Youth Survey*, which asked teens to compare their social and political views with those of their parents, are any indication. While a fifth of U.S. teens (21%) say they are "more liberal" than their parents and 7% say "more conservative," 7 in 10 teens (71%) say their soc...
Folksonomies: politics ideology
Folksonomies: politics ideology
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So political ideology is mostly a matter of birth, not reason.

01 JUN 2011 by ideonexus

 Cannabis Insights

I can remember the night that I suddenly realized what it was like to be crazy, or nights when my feelings and perceptions were of a religious nature. I had a very accurate sense that these feelings and perceptions, written down casually, would not stand the usual critical scrutiny that is my stock in trade as a scientist. If I find in the morning a message from myself the night before informing me that there is a world around us which we barely sense, or that we can become one with the unive...
Folksonomies: marijuana drug use cannabis
Folksonomies: marijuana drug use cannabis
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Insights under the effects of cannabis seem crazy, but there are also perceptual enhancements that are verifiable to the sober mind.

21 MAY 2011 by ideonexus

 The Change in Environment for a Baby Post-Birth

Imagine for a while the nature of the changes in his world that occurred at birth. From 98.6-degree warmth to 70-degree room temperature. From total darkness to glaring overhead lights in the hospital. From relative quiet, where instead of mother's familiar voice and the soothing rhythmical sounds of her body (her heartbeat, breath sounds. etc.) there are sudden loud, unfamiliar, startling noises. From being carried constantly with the rocking motion from Mother's hip movements, to the utter ...
Folksonomies: pregnancy childbirth
Folksonomies: pregnancy childbirth
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...and changes for the mother as well.