09 JUN 2015 by ideonexus
Kindergarden: Garden of Children
Kindergarten means a garden of children, and Froebel, the inventor of it, or rather, as he would prefer to express it, the discoverer of the method of Nature, meant to symbolize by the name the spirit and plan of treatment. How does the gardener treat his plants? He studies their individual natures, and puts them into such circumstances of soil and atmosphere as enable them to grow, flower, and bring forth fruit,-- also to renew their manifestation year after year.Folksonomies: education
Folksonomies: education
28 APR 2012 by ideonexus
Watch a Scientist's Deeds, Not Words
If you want to find out anything from the theoretical physicists about the methods they use, I advise you to stick closely to one principle: don't listen to their words, fix your attention on their deeds. To him who is a discoverer in this field the products of his imagination appear so necessary and natural that he regards them, and would like to have them regarded by others, not as creations of thought but as given realities.To learn what makes them successful.
13 JAN 2012 by ideonexus
Everyone Believes and Experiment Except the Experimentor
No one believes an hypothesis except its originator but everyone believes an experiment except the experimenter. Most people are ready to believe something based on experiment but the experimenter knows the many little things that could have gone wrong in the experiment. For this reason the discoverer of a new fact seldom feels quite so confident of it as others do. On the other hand other people are usually critical of an hypothesis, whereas the originator identifies himself with it and is l...Because the experimentor knows all the ways the experiment could have gone wrong. Conversely, no one believes and hypothesis except its originator.