20 JAN 2014 by ideonexus
Star Trek is About Diversity
Moses Maimonides, who lived nearly 900 years ago, wrote a book called The Guide for the Perplexed. In it, he said: "The human race contains such a variety of individuals that we cannot discover two persons exactly alike in any moral quality or external appearance. This great variety and necessity of social life are essential elements in man's nature." These are the same principles, the same philosophies, which are inherent in "Star Trek." But let's go back to what "Star Trek" really is. It...Rodenberry's philosophy was to respect and cherish diversity.
16 JUL 2013 by ideonexus
The Future History of Uplift
The active pursuit of uplift really took hold as a scientific
field during the great flowering of transhuman
culture, an era that also gave us the widespread settlement
of space, extensive human genetic modification,
nanotech, cognitive science, and the digital emulation
of consciousness. It is in fact the convergence of these
fields, and the feedback loops spawned between
them, that enabled the uplift project to make so much
headway so quickly.
It’s easy to see uplift as a breathtaking cu...Recognizes we have been manipulating the evolution of life on Earth for thousands of years.
20 JUN 2013 by ideonexus
Feromagnetic Materials and Hysteresis Loops
Ferromagnetic materials are paramagnetic materials. Below the Curie temperature
ferromagnetic materials show spontaneous magnetization, and this means that
the spin moments of neighboring atoms in a microscopically large region (called
domain) result in a parallel alignment of moments. The application of an external
magnetic field changes the domains, and the moments of different domains then tend
to line up together. When the applied field is removed, most of the moments remain
aligned, whic...Folksonomies: nature magnetization
Folksonomies: nature magnetization
How to magnetize metal.