09 NOV 2015 by ideonexus
How to Teach Vocabulary
Begin with a story or explanation of the term. Modeling how you use the word in your life
or in conversation may be helpful to students.
Have students put information into their own words. This process, which I call “recoding,”
is necessary to make sure students understand the word. This is a vital step in the memory
process. Skipping this step can be disastrous as students may have a misconception
that will be placed in long-term memory through incorrect rehearsals (Sprenger, 2005).
Ask ...Folksonomies: teaching vocabulary
Folksonomies: teaching vocabulary
05 JUN 2013 by ideonexus
Examples of Evolutionary Traps
We have altered the environment in a vast number of ways, both small and large. And when animals try to read the cues from our human environment, they can get tricked. They can end up doing something that kills them, loses them the opportunity to reproduce, or simply wastes their time. Scientists call these situations evolutionary traps.
Some evolutionary traps, like the Christmas lights, play on the visual strategies animals use to find prey. Albatrosses will peck at brightly colored...Folksonomies: evolution maladaptation
Folksonomies: evolution maladaptation
Frogs that swallow christmas lights, turtles that eat plastic bags, and beetles laying eggs in timber fallen for lumber are examples of animals falling into dead ends thanks to humans altering the environment.
07 JUL 2011 by ideonexus
Babies Look to Mothers for Cues on How to React to the World
Other experiments also show that one-year-olds have a radically new understanding of people. What happens when you show a baby something new, something a little strange, maybe wonderful, maybe dangerous—say, a walking toy robot? The baby looks over at Mom quizzically and checks her out. What does she think? Is there a reassuring smile or an expression of shocked horror? One-year-olds will modify their own reactions accordingly. If there's a smile, they'll crawl forward to investigate; if th...When presented with an unknown, the infant will look to the mother's expression to understand how it should react and if it should engage.