Outboard Brain
Following in the grand tradition of nearly every new technology, nobody started to panic about the potential downsides of cognitive outsourcing until kids starting doing it, and doing it in ways that their parents didn't understand. They type with their thumbs in ugly slang and funny symbols. They have short attention spans. They can't remember their own phone numbers. They spend more time on social media than they did with their friends irl (that's "in real life," my daughter tells me). They...
Magnus broods in his black tower, peering into the depths of the Great Ocean for validation, a sign that he was right to act as he did.
He will find nothing, for there is nothing to find.
His actions were never his own, for he forgot the first rule of the mysteries.
He let his ambition and hubris blind him to his flaws and the knowledge that there is always someone stronger and more powerful out there.
I will not make that mistake.
But we are still creatures of flesh and inclined to repe...
The Value of the Elderly
A challenge for society is to make use of those things that older people are better at doing. Some abilities, of course, decrease with age. Those include abilities at tasks requiring physical strength and stamina, ambition, and the power of novel reasoning in a circumscribed situation, such as figuring out the structure of DNA, best left to scientists under the age of 30. Conversely, valuable attributes that increase with age include experience, understanding of people and human relationship...Their experience makes them better-skilled for certain professions, such as managing, and teaching.
The Naturalist's Concern for Death
But just because naturalists do not believe in a life after death does not mean that they don't care what happens after they die. I am deeply concerned, for instance, about whether my family members will be happy and successful after I am gone, whether my friends will continue the traditions we have established, and whether the world will be a better place because of my actions. I hope that what I do in this life will make a long-term difference in the world, though I will never know whether ...They are concerned about the welfare of their loved ones, and the causal effects of their life rather than rewards in an afterlife.
Knowledge Must be Combined With Honesty
Knowledge and ability must be combined with ambition as well as with a sense of honesty and a severe conscience. Every analyst occasionally has doubts about the accuracy of his results, and also there are times when he knows his results to be incorrect. Sometimes a few drops of the solution were spilt, or some other slight mistake made. In these cases it requires a strong conscience to repeat the analysis and to make a rough estimate of the loss or apply a correction. Anyone not having suffic...Researchers must apply honest rigor to their work; otherwise, their results are detrimental to society.
Humanist Values in Parenting
Sure, God isn’t watching us—but our children certainly are!
We believe that the best foundation for respecting others is respect for oneself. Once the girls value themselves, it’s easier to teach them to respect their possessions, family, friends, and the world around them. We want our daughters to have compassion, courage, and creativity, but to do that the girls need to develop a fourth C—confidence.
The Ancient Greeks taught that pride was a virtue; indeed, Aristotle said it was ...Critical-Thinking skills, instilling self-confidence, praise, and encouraging potential.
Chance Favors, but Ambition is Crucial
The major credit I think Jim and I deserve ... is for selecting the right problem and sticking to it. It's true that by blundering about we stumbled on gold, but the fact remains that we were looking for gold. Both of us had decided, quite independently of each other, that the central problem in molecular biology was the chemical structure of the gene. ... We could not see what the answer was, but we considered it so important that we were determined to think about it long and hard, from any ...Francis Crick admits his discovery was something of chance, but emphasizes the fact that he was looking for the discovery in the first place and willing to dedicate a great deal of time to it.
Reproduction is the Most Important Evolutionary Trait
Those strains that reproduce persist; those that do not reproduce die out. The ability to reproduce is what makes living things different from rocks. Besides, there is nothing inconsistent with free will or even chastity in this view of life. Human beings, I believe, thrive according to their ability to take initiatives and exercise individual talent. But free will was not created for fun; there was a reason that evolution handed our ancestors the ability to take initiatives, and the reason w..."Everything can be inherited except sterility."
If Nurture, Why Not More Variation in Human Culture?
Humanity is, of course, morally free to make and remake itself infinitely, but we do not do so. We stick to the same monotonously human pattern of organizing our affairs. If we were more adventurous, there would be societies without love, without ambition, without sexual desire, without marriage, without art. without grammar, without music, without st smiles—and with as many unimaginable novelties as are in that list. There would be societies in which women killed each other more often than...If humans have free will, then there should be cultures without love, musics, and other social norms.