13 MAR 2015 by ideonexus

 Changing Spelling has Happened in the Past

Objection to simplified spelling has been made on the supposition that it "wil cut us off from the literature of the past," meaning that those taught in the new way wil be unable to read the books red today. This can not be so, because the present spelling wil be no more difficult to read by one who has learnd to spel the new way, than is the new spelling by one who has learnd the old way. Children who hav learnd to spel in the simplified way wil, in fact, read the books printed toda...
Folksonomies: spelling standards
Folksonomies: spelling standards
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Technology, translation services, will make migration even easier.

09 AUG 2014 by ideonexus


  PURPLE (B-O) thinking works on emotion, security, rituals, tokens, sense of belonging (my family, my friends, my workplace) and is very responsive to peer and family pressures RED (C-P) thinking is assertive (aggressive!), energetic, powerful, indulgent, self-centred and wants to dominate/be the best BLUE (D-Q) thinking is concerned with procedures, routines, order, quality, the correct way of doing things, is highly responsive to the 'correct' higher authority and punishes 'sinners...
Folksonomies: memetics
Folksonomies: memetics
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19 APR 2013 by ideonexus

 Christianity's Contempt for the Sciences

Contempt for human sciences was one of the first features of Christianity. It had to avenge itself of the outrages of philosophy; it feared that spirit of investigation and doubt, that confidence of man in his own reason, the pest alike of all religious creeds. The light of the natural sciences was even odious to it, and was regarded with a suspicious eye, as being a dangerous enemy to the success of miracles: and there is no religion that does not oblige its sectaries to swallow some physica...
Folksonomies: science religion
Folksonomies: science religion
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It was a threat to it's authority, and if printing existed at the time, science may have survived, but instead it was abolished.

26 MAR 2013 by ideonexus

 π in Base-26 Will Produce All the Works of Shakespeare

Base 26 is one of two fairly natural ways of representing numbers as text using a 26-letter alphabet. The number of interest is expressed numerically in base 26, and then the 26 different base-26 digits are identified with letters as 0=A, 1=B, 2=C, ... 25=Z. Here are the first 100 digits of pi expressed in this way: D.DRSQLOLYRTRODNLHNQTGKUDQGTUIRXNEQBCKBSZIVQQVGDMELM UEXROIQIYALVUZVEBMIJPQQXLKPLRNCFWJPBYMGGOHJMMQISMS... Lo! At the 6th digit we find a two-letter word (LO), and only a ...
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By assigning letters to numbers in the irrational number, we can produce the effect of a million monkeys on a million typewriters for a million years.

18 JUN 2012 by ideonexus

 Science Knows No Country

Science knows no country because knowledge belongs to humanity, and is the torch which illuminates the world. Science is the highest personification of the nation because that nation will remain the first which carries the furthest the works of thought and intelligence.
Folksonomies: science nationalism
Folksonomies: science nationalism
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It's torch illuminates the world.

08 JUN 2012 by ideonexus

 We Cannot Extend Our Lives Forward, but We Can Backwards

The alchemists of past centuries tried hard to make the elixir of life: ... Those efforts were in vain; it is not in our power to obtain the experiences and the views of the future by prolonging our lives forward in this direction. However, it is well possible in a certain sense to prolong our lives backwards by acquiring the experiences of those who existed before us and by learning to know their views as well as if we were their contemporaries. The means for doing this is also an elixir of ...
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By reading the works of previous generations, absorbing their knowledge, we can age ourselves mentally.

07 JUN 2012 by ideonexus

 Do Atoms Exist?

The question whether atoms exist or not... belongs rather to metaphysics. In chemistry we have only to decide whether the assumption of atoms is an hypothesis adapted to the explanation of chemical phenomena... whether a further development of the atomic hypothesis promises to advance our knowledge of the mechanism of chemical phenomena... I rather expect that we shall some day find, for what we now call atoms, a mathematico-mechanical explanation, which will render an account of atomic weigh...
Folksonomies: metaphysics theory
Folksonomies: metaphysics theory
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This is a question for metaphysics, but the theory of atoms is useful and works in the laboratory.

31 MAY 2012 by ideonexus

 All Human Accomplishments are Works of Muscles

Muscles are in a most intimate and peculiar sense the organs of the will. They have built all the roads, cities and machines in the world, written all the books, spoken all the words, and, in fact done everything that man has accomplished with matter. Character might be a sense defined as a plexus of motor habits.
Folksonomies: biology
Folksonomies: biology
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Which carry out the will of their owners. All human character "might be a sense defined as a plexus of motor habits."

18 MAY 2012 by ideonexus

 The Bible Tells Us to Look at Nature

The prohibition of science would be contrary to the Bible, which in hundreds of places teaches us how the greatness and the glory of God shine forth marvelously in all His works, and is to be read above all in the open book of the heavens. And let no one believe that the reading of the most exalted thoughts which are inscribed upon these pages is to be accomplished through merely staring up at the radiance of the stars. There are such profound secrets and such lofty conceptions that the night...
Folksonomies: nature religion
Folksonomies: nature religion
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For god's majesty is in all his works.

11 JAN 2012 by ideonexus

 Contemplation of Nature Makes a Mind Noble

Science, regarded as the pursuit of truth, which can only be attained by patient and unprejudiced investigation, wherein nothing is too great to be attempted, nothing so minute as to be justly disregarded, must ever afford occupation of consummate interest and subject of elevated meditation. The contemplation of the works of creation elevates the mind to the admiration of whatever is great and noble ; accomplishing the object of all study,—which, in the elegant language of Sir James Mackint...
Folksonomies: nature god naturalism
Folksonomies: nature god naturalism
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Because we are seeing the mind of god, which inspires noble thoughts.