22 SEP 2017 by ideonexus
Civilization is About Capturing Energy
Civilisation, like life itself, has always been about capturing energy. That is to say, just as a successful species is one that converts the sun’s energy into offspring more rapidly than another species, so the same is true of a nation. Progressively, as the aeons passed, life as a whole has grown gradually more and more efficient at doing this, at locally cheating the second law of thermodynamics. The plants and animals that dominate the earth today channel more of the sun’s energy thro...Folksonomies: energy
Folksonomies: energy
28 JAN 2012 by ideonexus
Eucalyptus Forests as Solar Energy
Sir Edward has calculated that quick-growing Indian eucalyptus trees have a yield of nine and one-quarter tons of wood an acre a year. As the wood contains 0.8 per cent of the solar energy reaching the ground in the tropics in the form of heat, Sir Edward has suggested that in theory eucalyptus forests could provide a perpetual source of fuel. He has said that by rotational tree planting and felling, a forest of twenty kilometers square would enable a wood consuming power station to provide 1...Folksonomies: energy solar power
Folksonomies: energy solar power
Burning them to release the heat they have stored in chemical energy from the sun.
09 JUN 2011 by ideonexus
Geese Flying in Vee Formation
One, two, three ragged files of Canada geese skim the treetops, preceded and followed by their honking chorus. I freeze in my tracks to watch them pass, heading south, feathers ruffled by the last warm breezes of the season. When their honks have faded into silence, I notice a chill in the air. The spinning planet has leaned into its winter curve, away from the Sun. And then, just when I think the racket has passed, I hear another barely audible chorus of honks, high in the air. I look up to ...Evolutionay benefits explain the pattern, which is an example of order forged out of an even greater disordering process occurring in our sun.
20 MAY 2011 by ideonexus
The Natural Economy is Solar Powered
The natural economy is solar-powered. Photons from the sun rain down upon the entire
daytime surface of the planet. Many photons do nothing more useful than heat up a rock or a sandy
beach. A few find their way into an eye - yours, or mine, or the compound eye of a shrimp or the
parabolic reflector eye of a scallop. Some may happen to fall on a solar panel - either a man-made
one like those that, in a fit of green zeal, I have just installed on my roof to heat the bathwater, or a
green leaf, ...All life on Earth deals in exchanges of sunbeams.