28 JUN 2013 by ideonexus
Happiness as a Psychiatric Disorder
It is perhaps premature to attempt an exact definition of happiness. However, despite the fact that
formal diagnostic criteria have yet to be agreed, it
seems likely that happiness has affective, cognitive and
behavioural components. Thus, happiness is usually
characterised by a positive mood, sometimes described
as 'elation' or 'joy', although this may be relatively
absent in the milder happy states, sometimes termed
'contentment'. Argyle, in his review of the relevant
empirical literature, ...Folksonomies: disorder psychiatry
Folksonomies: disorder psychiatry
Happiness makes people irrational, gives them a skewed perception of themselves and others, and instill them with a desire to make others happy--a mirror of why depression is seen as a disorder.
09 JUN 2011 by ideonexus
Geese Flying in Vee Formation
One, two, three ragged files of Canada geese skim the treetops, preceded and followed by their honking chorus. I freeze in my tracks to watch them pass, heading south, feathers ruffled by the last warm breezes of the season. When their honks have faded into silence, I notice a chill in the air. The spinning planet has leaned into its winter curve, away from the Sun. And then, just when I think the racket has passed, I hear another barely audible chorus of honks, high in the air. I look up to ...Evolutionay benefits explain the pattern, which is an example of order forged out of an even greater disordering process occurring in our sun.
09 JUN 2011 by ideonexus
Chaos, Order and Snowflakes
In one of his most popular essays, "The Colloid and the Crystal," the nature writer Joseph Wood Krutch wrote about these opposing forces in nature. "Order and obedience are the primary characteristics of that which is not alive," he wrote. "Life is rebellious and anarchical." He was wrong to identify obedience and rebellion with nonlife and life. respectively. We now know that the inanimate snowflake crystal, so apparently lawful and static, grows its six-pointed form under the controlling in...Nonlife produces beautiful order in the snowflake, where the vibrations of the molecules create different six-pointed patterns.