01 DEC 2024 by ideonexus

 Jone's Dilemma

1-48. This principle is named after Reginald Victor Jones, a British professor heavily involved in solving science and technology intelligence challenges. In this deception, the target receives information through multiple means and methods, from many angles, throughout an operational environment. Deception generally becomes more difficult as the number of conduits available to the deception target to confirm the real situation increases. However, the greater the number of conduits that are d...
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18 MAY 2012 by ideonexus

 God Gave Us Senses and Reason in Order to Use Them

But I do not feel obliged to believe that that same God who has endowed us with senses, reason, and intellect has intended to forgo their use and by some other means to give us knowledge which we can attain by them.
Folksonomies: religion philosophy reason
Folksonomies: religion philosophy reason
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Argument from Gallileo.

04 JUN 2011 by ideonexus

 Tolerance for Ambiguity

I have a tolerance for ambiguity. It's clear to me that there's some questions that humans don't have the answers to and what arrogance to imagine we have answers to all questions. Science is sometimes, I know, attacked for supposed arogance, but I think it's the most humble occupation and discipline around. Because, instead of trying to impose our preconceptions, our predispositions on the Universe, we are open before the Universe to see what the Universe has to offer. Science is in the busi...
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Carl Sagan on the humility of science in not imposing its preconceptions on reality.

17 MAY 2011 by ideonexus

 Logical Fallacies

In addition to teaching us what to do when evaluating a claim to knowledge, any good baloney detection kit must also teach us what not to do. It helps us recognize the most common and perilous fallacies of logic and rhetoric. Many good examples can be found in religion and politics, because their practitioners are so often obliged to justify two contradictory propositions. Among these fallacies are: Ad hominem - Latin for 'to the man', attacking the arguer and not the argument (e.g., the Reve...
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A list of some logical fallacies which scientists must beware.

07 MAR 2011 by ideonexus

 Advice for Communicating with Trolls Properly

Some Advice for Communicating with Trolls Properly Relax: don't worry if you don't get everything exactly right. Communicate clearly: write in the best spelling, grammar, punctuation, capitalisation, idiomatic speech, etc. that you can, no matter how bad the troll's messages were in this respect. It may be a good idea to avoid too high or complicated words, because many foreign speakers of English often have poor English vocabulary. Don't criticise what he says directly or the way he...
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Things to keep in mind and practice when arguing with Trolls.