10 MAR 2017 by ideonexus
Jean Piaget’s work is the origin of Constructivism, which is the foundation of learning-centered classrooms (Bogost, 2007). Constructivism is a broad theory of learning that argues (quite unlike Essentialism) that what matters in learning is not the accumulation of facts, paradigms, and theories but rather the meaning making that comes from taking these disparate notions and integrating them to form new knowledge. What matters is not the received wisdom handed down from generation to genera...Folksonomies: education constructivism
Folksonomies: education constructivism
10 MAR 2017 by ideonexus
Classroom as Gamespace
A gamespace is a uniquely coded and constructed place where players are expected to act before being any good at what they’re doing; they’re spaces inherently founded on the notion of risk taking. The process of building a classroom that functions as a gamespace should start with the teacher being committed to democratic learning processes that place the student at the center of his or her learning and development. Likewise, it casts the teacher as the constructor or designer of the games...Folksonomies: education gamification
Folksonomies: education gamification
10 MAR 2017 by ideonexus
The Case for the Gamified Classroom
Gamified instruction empowers students to own their learning.
Students who learn in a gamified classroom have a better capacity for persistence.
Gamified instruction helps students develop a capacity for selfdirection.
Gamified classrooms impart critical social skills.
Gamification of learning enables students to build and sustain learning communities.
Gamified instruction is inherently democratic and meritocratic and hence encourages risk taking.
Gamified instruction helps students maintain ...Folksonomies: education gamification
Folksonomies: education gamification
30 MAY 2016 by ideonexus
Use Cards to Call on Students
When I realized that I was unintentionally disengaging from some students, I developed a classroom management practice that ensures equal participation and on-the-fly formative assessments. I use a deck of playing cards, each of which is marked with a student's name, to determine who will answer the next question. The deck randomizes participation and shows my students that I am not subjectively skipping them or "picking on" someone. The deck is the arbiter and it contributes to an engaged cl...Folksonomies: education participation
Folksonomies: education participation
Uses a discard pile to track who's been called on.