14 JUN 2013 by ideonexus
Celebrity Economy
This century's last great trend was noted by acute observers in 1996, yet most people failed to appreciate it. While business gurus were proclaiming the new dominance of creativity and innovation over mere production, the growing ease with which information was transmitted and reproduced made it harder for creators to profit from their creations. Nowadays, if you develop a marvelous piece of software, everyone will have downloaded a free copy from the Net the next day. If you record a magnifi...Folksonomies: art information economy
Folksonomies: art information economy
Endless channels of media allow for more celebrities, but to smaller audiences. In order to make money from media, celebrities must sell more than their works. Their works must serve as advertisements for something else, like paid performances or lectures.
01 MAY 2012 by TGAW
The Celebrity of Big Trees
"Being able to reach out and touch the biggest tree of that species in the country is like shaking hands with a movie star or famous athlete"Folksonomies: trees
Folksonomies: trees
Love this quote about touching the biggest specimen of a tree species
23 JAN 2011 by ideonexus
The Population Explosion of Celebrities are Cancelling Ea...
The Internet has made me very casual with a level of omniscience that was unthinkable a decade ago. I now wonder if God gets bored knowing the answer to everything.
The Internet forces me, as a creator, to figure out who I really am and what is unique to me — or to anyone else, for that matter — I like this.
The Internet forces me to renegotiate my relationship to the celebrity dimension of pop culture. There are too many celebrities now, and they all cancel each other out (15 minutes...With the increasing number of celebrities in the world, the value of each celebrity is reduced, when everyone is a celebrity, we should all fee free to be eccentric ourselves.
12 JAN 2011 by ideonexus
Twitter, Celebrity, Asymmetric and Symmetric Social Conne...
Asymmetric attention is the key to another important concept, celebrity. Being famous means that a lot of people pay attention to you--after all, by definition it is famous people who appear on the cover of magazines, which are purchased because lots of people want to know what's happening with their favorite celebrities. But the celebrity doesn't, for the the most part, pay any attention to the fans (at least, not individually). Asymmetric attention ties in Twitter allows people like Oprah W...Folksonomies: web science social networking
Folksonomies: web science social networking
Twitter provides for asymmetric connections, where individuals follow others, making the people who don't follow back are celebrities; however, the system has been hacked with @replies, which make asymmetric connections symmetrical.