17 JUN 2013 by ideonexus
The Surveillance Ecosystem
Lifeloggers capture every instant of their existence
for their own reference. XP stars live, love, and die
with passionate abandon so everyone can enjoy it
on demand. Habitats depend on constantly updated
operational and environmental data as well as troops
of transhuman observers to function seamlessly and
provide the day-to-day necessities of transhuman
life. Hypercorps, governments, organizations, and
individuals safeguard the information they need to
survive and seek out what they need to...A futuristic peak at the world of public sharing and private protection and the different motivations for them.
08 FEB 2011 by ideonexus
Pregnant Celebrities are News
"In this world, pregnancy is considered news, and it is a nine-month news cycle," the editor-in-chief of Star magazine has said. Issues featuring pregnant celebrities are often among the magazines' best sellers. The mother of all celebrity pregnancies, of course, was that of actress Demi Moore, who appeared naked and seven months pregnant on the cover of Vanity Fair> in 1991. Back then, the image still had the power to shock: on its first day on the stands, the issue sold out during the mo...The focus of gossip magazines on pregnant celebrities mirrors a more general interest the average person has in the pregnant woman as a curiosity.
23 JAN 2011 by ideonexus
The Population Explosion of Celebrities are Cancelling Ea...
The Internet has made me very casual with a level of omniscience that was unthinkable a decade ago. I now wonder if God gets bored knowing the answer to everything.
The Internet forces me, as a creator, to figure out who I really am and what is unique to me — or to anyone else, for that matter — I like this.
The Internet forces me to renegotiate my relationship to the celebrity dimension of pop culture. There are too many celebrities now, and they all cancel each other out (15 minutes...With the increasing number of celebrities in the world, the value of each celebrity is reduced, when everyone is a celebrity, we should all fee free to be eccentric ourselves.