Modern Absence of Monoculture

It is difficult to, either quantitatively (through sales, net worth, or awards) or qualitatively (through an objective hierarchisation of cultural products) provide an indisputable metric for ‘fame.’ First, there are contextually contingent variables like streaming or internet relevance preventing me from drawing transhistorical comparisons with say, The Beatles or Michael Jackson. And then there is the reality that in our postmodern, globalised world, culture has expanded, mutated, and infected our lives without needing a specific mediatic vector to transmit itself. Living in the age of so-called ‘democratised’ content, we consume so much, and so frequently, that culture eludes concretisation; quite like the law in a juridified system, it pervades the everyday. There are indeed other megastars with tremendous influence and institutional legitimacy – say, Beyoncé, Drake, and Bad Bunny. When everyone is a consumer with at least some level of agency in choosing what they will listen to from millions of options, a ‘monoculture’ can hardly exist. This is why it is no use arguing over linear claims (‘Taylor Swift is the most famous person to ever exist’).


Folksonomies: culture media monoculture

/technology and computing/internet technology (0.744340)
/business and industrial/advertising and marketing (0.607623)
/business and industrial/business software (0.567467)

The Beatles (0.953972): dbpedia_resource
Globalization (0.864654): dbpedia_resource
Michael Jackson (0.856398): dbpedia_resource
Sales (0.720055): dbpedia_resource
Beyoncé (0.717581): dbpedia_resource
Taylor Swift (0.713466): dbpedia_resource
Contingency (philosophy) (0.658801): dbpedia_resource
Institution (0.640454): dbpedia_resource

 Taylor Swift and Totalitarianism
Electronic/World Wide Web>Internet Article:  Sanjana, (April 14, 2024), Taylor Swift and Totalitarianism, Retrieved on 2024-04-28
  • Source Material []
  • Folksonomies: critical theory