CREW Method of Curation
CREW stands for Continuous Review Evaluation and Weeding, and the manual uses “crew” as a transitive verb, so one can talk about a library’s “crewing” its collection. It means weeding but doesn’t sound so harsh. At the heart of the CREW method is a formula consisting of three factors—the number of years since the last copyright, the number of years since the book was last checked out, and a collection of six negative factors given the acronym MUSTIE, to help decide if a book has outlived its usefulness. M. Is it Misleading or inaccurate? Is its information, as so quickly happens with medical and legal texts or travel books, for example, outdated? U. Is it Ugly? Worn beyond repair? S. Has it been Superseded by a new edition or a better account of the subject? T. Is it Trivial, of no discernible literary or scientific merit? I. Is it Irrelevant to the needs and interests of the community the library serves? E. Can it be found Elsewhere, through interlibrary loan or on the Web?
Folksonomies: information attention focus curation
/art and entertainment/books and literature (0.528758)
/technology and computing/hardware/computer/portable computer/laptop (0.408706)
/finance/grants, scholarships and financial aid/scholarships (0.407869)
Continuous Review Evaluation (0.995916 (:0.000000)), crew method (0.926295 (:0.000000)), transitive verb (0.735739 (:0.000000)), Curation CREW (0.680321 (:0.000000)), manual uses (0.629684 (:0.000000)), acronym MUSTIE (0.620859 (:0.000000)), interlibrary loan (0.603465 (:0.000000)), negative factors (0.594988 (:0.000000)), legal texts (0.569733 (:0.000000)), travel books (0.569083 (:0.000000)), scientific merit (0.568600 (:0.000000)), new edition (0.553583 (:0.000000)), better account (0.552740 (:0.000000)), Weeding (0.433835 (:0.000000)), collection (0.335816 (:0.000000)), number (0.314561 (:0.000000)), usefulness (0.304089 (:0.000000)), Trivial (0.296255 (:0.000000)), Worn (0.293036 (:0.000000)), Ugly (0.289545 (:0.000000)), formula (0.276833 (:0.000000)), copyright (0.271864 (:0.000000)), M. (0.269109 (:0.000000)), example (0.267688 (:0.000000)), heart (0.266942 (:0.000000)), U. (0.265343 (:0.000000)), repair (0.264453 (:0.000000)), information (0.263338 (:0.000000)), I. (0.261341 (:0.000000)), needs (0.261119 (:0.000000)), interests (0.261045 (:0.000000)), community (0.260934 (:0.000000)), S. (0.260505 (:0.000000)), E. (0.260147 (:0.000000))
Verb (0.950939): dbpedia_resource
Transitive verb (0.859115): dbpedia_resource
Subject (0.725278): dbpedia_resource
Interlibrary loan (0.703898): dbpedia_resource
Intransitive verb (0.625856): dbpedia_resource
United States patent law (0.606289): dbpedia_resource
Verb argument (0.589964): dbpedia_resource