A Selection of Nerd-Hating Quotes
Vivek Mishra: Nerds only do study and nothing else.They don't know how to love and they don't even know anything about friendship.They are fatso and are bloody psychos.Someone said that they are going to rule the world I think they are completely wrong because world is ruled by normal people who knows what is life all about.
Kyle Gjefle: I hate nerds because they think that they're so better than everybody else and they are annoying and they are teacher's pets
Milö Geary: Technology has made the world worse. What ever happened to survival of the fittest? I have no respect for autistic little shits who are good at tinkering with wires.
Samantha Mayne: I'm not like a dummy or a slut or anything, but i despise nerds. they're just so up themselves
From the Facebook "I Hate Nerds" page.
Folksonomies: anti-intellectualism
/health and fitness (0.577456)
/technology and computing (0.577142)
/style and fashion/clothing/pants (0.377616)
autistic little shits (0.995244 (negative:-0.781480)), Vivek Mishra (0.877404 (neutral:0.000000)), nerds (0.822835 (negative:-0.491278)), Samantha Mayne (0.754598 (neutral:0.000000)), Nerd-Hating Quotes (0.748051 (positive:0.344939)), Milö Geary (0.715647 (neutral:0.000000)), normal people (0.708289 (negative:-0.397354)), Kyle Gjefle (0.707853 (neutral:0.000000)), world (0.394678 (negative:-0.386710)), slut (0.291299 (negative:-0.600391)), Facebook (0.286927 (positive:0.344939)), tinkering (0.275027 (negative:-0.781480)), dummy (0.261002 (negative:-0.600391)), everybody (0.251725 (negative:-0.598270)), wires (0.232370 (negative:-0.781480)), respect (0.227261 (negative:-0.781480)), survival (0.225969 (neutral:0.000000)), Selection (0.220364 (positive:0.344939)), page (0.219432 (neutral:0.000000)), life (0.207546 (negative:-0.397354)), teacher (0.203980 (negative:-0.598270)), pets (0.203836 (negative:-0.598270))
Vivek Mishra:Person (0.921653 (neutral:0.000000)), Samantha Mayne:Person (0.754248 (neutral:0.000000)), Facebook:Company (0.672148 (positive:0.344939)), Milö Geary:Person (0.654852 (neutral:0.000000)), Kyle Gjefle:Person (0.626739 (neutral:0.000000))
American film actors (0.926213): dbpedia
American television actors (0.773376): dbpedia
2007 singles (0.741655): dbpedia
Core issues in ethics (0.704631): dbpedia
1965 births (0.700762): dbpedia

Nerd Hate: Huckabee and Facebook Juveniles
Obama is a Nerd, and That\'s Bad > Comparison > A Selection of Nerd-Hating QuotesMike Huckabee's attack on President Obama for being a nerd sounds a lot like the attacks made by teenagers on the Facebook "I hate nerds" page.