27 JUL 2018 by ideonexus
Successful Prediction
Successful prediction is the revenge of the nerds. Superforecasters are intelligent but not necessarily brilliant, falling just in the top fifth of the population. They are highly numerate, not in the sense of being math whizzes but in the sense of comfortably thinking in guesstimates. They have personality traits that psychologists call “openness to experience” (intellectual curiosity and a taste for variety), “need for cognition” (pleasure taken in intellectual activity), and “int...Folksonomies: statistics prediction
Folksonomies: statistics prediction
03 APR 2011 by ideonexus
A Selection of Nerd-Hating Quotes
Vivek Mishra: Nerds only do study and nothing else.They don't know how to love and they don't even know anything about friendship.They are fatso and are bloody psychos.Someone said that they are going to rule the world I think they are completely wrong because world is ruled by normal people who knows what is life all about.
Kyle Gjefle: I hate nerds because they think that they're so better than everybody else and they are annoying and they are teacher's pets
Milö Geary: Technology has ma...Folksonomies: anti-intellectualism
Folksonomies: anti-intellectualism
From the Facebook "I Hate Nerds" page.