Why Not Creative Commons with a Caveat?

I realize the whole point is to get a lot of free content out there, especially content that can be mashed up, but why won’t Creative Commons provide an option along the lines of this: Write to me and tell me what you want to do with my music. If I like it, you can do so immediately. If I don’t like what you want to do, you can still do it, but you will have to wait six months. Or, perhaps, you will have to go through six rounds of arguing back and forth with me about it, but then you can do whatever you want. Or you might have to always include a notice in the mashup stating that I didn’t like the idea, with my reasons.


If a fuzzy crowd of anonymous people is making uninformed mash-ups with my recorded music, then when I present my music myself the context becomes one in which my presentation fits into a statistical distribution of other presentations. It is no longer an expression of my life.


Why not a license that requires you to contact the artist and pitch your mashup idea? Why not allow the artist to put a disclaimer that they don't approve of your mashup?

Folksonomies: creative commons mashup copyright licensing

/art and entertainment/movies and tv/classics/silent films (0.584641)
/law, govt and politics/government/parliament (0.577298)
/law, govt and politics (0.529782)

Creative Commons (0.904096 (negative:-0.157375)), mashup idea (0.738558 (neutral:0.000000)), uninformed mash-ups (0.619008 (negative:-0.620861)), fuzzy crowd (0.566946 (negative:-0.620861)), anonymous people (0.538308 (negative:-0.620861)), free content (0.534631 (positive:0.452178)), statistical distribution (0.530424 (neutral:0.000000)), music (0.411766 (negative:-0.620861)), artist (0.369557 (negative:-0.725175)), Caveat (0.327943 (negative:-0.378180)), disclaimer (0.313067 (negative:-0.725175)), rounds (0.295417 (neutral:0.000000)), license (0.282862 (neutral:0.000000)), option (0.280821 (positive:0.220805)), notice (0.280800 (neutral:0.000000)), expression (0.277988 (negative:-0.222440)), reasons (0.276869 (positive:0.237887)), point (0.276043 (positive:0.452178)), lines (0.274982 (positive:0.220805)), context (0.274566 (neutral:0.000000)), life (0.271951 (negative:-0.222440))

six months:Quantity (0.010000 (neutral:0.000000))

Free content (0.981221): dbpedia | freebase | yago
Creative Commons (0.875286): website | dbpedia | freebase | yago
Open source (0.834500): dbpedia | freebase
Open content (0.784932): dbpedia | freebase | yago
Copyright (0.772932): dbpedia | freebase
Lawrence Lessig (0.646380): website | dbpedia | freebase | yago | musicBrainz

 You Are Not A Gadget
Books, Brochures, and Chapters>Book:  Lanier, Jaron (2010-01-28), You Are Not A Gadget, Penguin, Retrieved on 2012-01-03
  • Source Material [books.google.com]
  • Folksonomies: technology engineering