Electronic/World Wide Web>Internet Article: GALLAGHER, BRIAN (SEPTEMBER 21, 2017), Modern Media Is a DoS Attack on Your Free Will, Retrieved on 2017-11-21Source Material [nautil.us]
Folksonomies: attention distraction free will Memes
21 NOV 2017
The Spotlight, Starlight, and Daylight of Attention
irst, the “spotlight” of attention is how cognitive scientists tend to talk about perceptual attention. The things that are task-salient in my environment. How I select and interact with those, basically. Second, the “starlight.” If the spotlight is about doing things, the starlight is who I want to be, not just what I want to do. It’s like those goals that are valuable for their own sake, not because they’re instrumental toward some other goal. Also, over time, how we keep movin...21 NOV 2017