Books, Brochures, and Chapters>Book:  Baez, John (February 3, 2016), Information Geometry, Retrieved on 2016-12-24
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  • Folksonomies: biology information science probability


    24 DEC 2016

     Unlike Physics, Biology Can't Ignore Information

    Physicists love to think about systems that take only a little information to describe. So when they get a system that takes a lot of information to describe, they use a trick called 'statistical mechanics', where you try to ignore most of this information and focus on a few especially important variables. For example, if you hand a physicist a box of gas, they'll try to avoid thinking about the state of each atom, and instead focus on a few macroscopic quantities like the volume and total en...
    Folksonomies: physics biology information
    Folksonomies: physics biology information
      1  notes
    24 DEC 2016

     Natural Selection Resembles Bayesian Inference

    The analogy is mathematically precise, and fascinating. In rough terms, it says that the process of natural selection resembles the process of Bayesian inference. A population of organisms can be thought of as having various 'hypotheses' about how to survive—each hypothesis corresponding to a different allele. (Roughly, an allele is one of several alternative versions of a gene.) In each successive generation, the process of natural selection modifies the proportion of organisms having each...
    Folksonomies: evolution biology bayesian
    Folksonomies: evolution biology bayesian
      1  notes

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