Electronic/World Wide Web>Internet Article: ASCD, (2009), Six Research-Based Literacy Approaches for the Elementary Classroom, Retrieved on 2016-03-24
Folksonomies: education literacy reading Memes
24 MAR 2016
Tips for Parents to Encourage Reading
Read to your child. Try to read to your child every day. Read from a wide variety of materials and books. Encourage writing. Encourage your child to scribble and pretend write if they are young. Encourage older children to write stories and letters and share them with the family. Have writing materials readily available. Have reading material at home. Have a wide variety of books, children's magazines, and newspapers available for children to read or look at. Get your child a libr...24 MAR 2016
Six Components of Teaching Reading
Component 1: Reading Aloud Reading aloud can be done as a full class activity, in small groups, or on a one-to-one basis. It involves an adult reading a piece of text or a book out loud to students. However it is done, it is a teacher-directed activity that requires student participation, as Debra Morrison indicates in Read Aloud and Movement, an ASCD video-based professional development program. Debra reads a book to her students about a cricket who wants to be a butterfly. As she reads, sh...24 MAR 2016