Books, Brochures, and Chapters>Book:  Garis, Hugo De (2005-02-28), The artilect war, Etc Pubns, Retrieved on 2015-02-15
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  • Folksonomies: science


    15 FEB 2015

     The Market Forces Driving AI

    Pretty soon, it will be possible to buy artificially brained robots that perform useful tasks around the house. If the price of such robots can be made affordable, then the demand for them will be huge. I believe in time that the world economy will be based upon brain-based computers. Such devices will be so useful and so popular that everyone on the planet will want to own them. As the technologies and the economics improve, the global market for such devices will only increase to the point ...
      1  notes
    15 FEB 2015

     Cosmists VS Terrans

    I believe that the 21st century will be dominated by the question as to whether humanity should or should not build artilects, i.e. machines of godlike intelligence, trillions of trillions of times above the human level. I see humanity splitting into two major political groups, which in time will become increasingly bitterly opposed, as the artilect issue becomes more real and less science fiction like. The human group in favor of building artilects, I label the “Cosmists,” based on the ...
      1  notes
    15 FEB 2015

     The Artilect Perspective of a Human Intelligence

    It is not exaggerating to say that there is quite a close analogy between an artilect trying to communicate with a human being, and a human being trying to communicate with a rock. To make another analogy, consider your feelings towards a mosquito as it lands on the skin of your forearm. When you swat it, do you stop to consider that the creature you just killed is a miracle of nano-technological engineering, that scientists of the 20th century had absolutely no way of building. The mosquito...
      1  notes
    15 FEB 2015


    Another class of AI products that we can expect will be teaching machines, "teacherbots." These machines will adapt to the intelligence, knowledge, interest and curiosity levels of individual users. Human students will be able to learn at their own individual rates, instead of the incredibly clumsy schooling methods we use now. In today’s schools, a single human teacher attempts to educate a few dozen students simultaneously, pitching the intellectual level of the presentation at the middle...
      1  notes
    15 FEB 2015

     AI View of AI, Scaling Wars

    The artilects, as they have been conceived so far in this book, have been largely "nanoteched" creatures. But nanotechnology may be unnecessarily restrictive and far too large a scale to be suitable for advanced artilects. It may be possible that a "femtoteched" creature could be built. Such "femto-artilects" or "femtolects" as they will be called from now on, would be vastly superior to "nano-artilects" or "nanolects," thus setting the stage for a new "species dominance war" all over again. ...
      1  notes

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