Books, Brochures, and Chapters>Book: Rajaniemi, Hannu (2011-05-10), Jean le Flambeur Series, Macmillan, Retrieved on 2015-01-27Source Material [books.google.com]
Folksonomies: fiction science fiction transhumanism Memes
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Books, Brochures, and Chapters>Book: Rajaniemi, Hannu (2014-07-15), The Causal Angel, Macmillan, Retrieved on 2015-01-27Source Material [books.google.com]
Folksonomies: fiction science fiction transhumanism 27 JAN 2015
The Zoku Jewel
‘Volition is a funny thing,’ Zinda says. ‘The jewels don’t just respond to what we want, but what we would want if we were wiser or smarter or knew more. The zoku as a whole tries to extrapolate what you really need, rather than just what you are asking for, and in line with everybody’s volition. I’ll give you an example. Tell me something you really like. A food, or something.’
Mieli hesitates. ‘This is pointless.’
‘Come on. Don’t take it so seriously!’
Mieli sighs...27 JAN 2015
The Universe as a Game Where the Rules are Hidden
‘I talked to a woman of the Kaminari once,’ he says, ‘before the Spike. Don’t give me such a look, it wasn’t like that, we were just friends. But one night on Ganymede, we got philosophical. The Universe is a game, she said. It makes us into players. We can’t see the moves that are not allowed. Like in chess. There is perfect freedom in the black and white, except that the rules make invisible walls. Two squares forward, one left. One left, whole row forward and backward, one righ...27 JAN 2015
The Universe as a Simulation
‘Duh huh! That’s putting it mildly!’ Zinda purses her lips. ‘There are two problems, really. The first is that we can’t solve any hard problems. Not really. Anything that’s NP-complete. The Travelling Salesman. Pac-Man. They are all the same. All too hard. Even if we had a computer the size of the Universe! It drives the Sobornost crazy. We don’t mind it so much: that’s what makes most games fun. And we have quantum shortcuts for some special cases, like coordination. And for ...27 JAN 2015
Bubble of Viral Spacetime
‘The achievement of the Kaminari-zoku implies that there are other spacetimes. Certainly other regions of the Universe beyond our causal horizon. If rational actors have evolved in them, they will have broken their Planck locks – or worse, evolved natively in an environment with no restrictions on computational complexity. If so, it is likely that they will have optimised the expansion rate of their spacetime, turned into an expanding bubble of thought.
‘If so, such a bubble of viral s...Folksonomies: quantum physics spacetime
Folksonomies: quantum physics spacetime
Child Reference

Books, Brochures, and Chapters>Book: Rajaniemi, Hannu (2014-01-21), The Fractal Prince, Tor Books, Retrieved on 2014-12-01Source Material [books.google.com]
Folksonomies: fiction 01 DEC 2014
Schrodinger's Cat as a Lock for a Box
Quantum mechanics claims that there is no definite cat in the box, only a ghost, a superposition of a live cat and a dead cat. That is, until we open it and look. A measurement will collapse the system into one state or the other. So goes Schrödinger’s thought experiment.
It is completely wrong, of course. A cat is a macroscopic system, and there is no mysterious intervention by a magical observer needed to make it live or die: just its interaction with the rest of the Universe, a phenome...Folksonomies: quantum physics
Folksonomies: quantum physics
01 DEC 2014
Fractal Minds Inside Stories
I cover my ears when Tawaddud shouts the Name. By now I have a fairly good idea about how it works. Extreme fractal compression of some kind, a self-referential loop inside a story, forcing the target brain to iterate it all over again, bootstrapping a new mind inside it into existence. How it is possible, I do not know. Even encoding pictures in such dynamical maps takes a lot of computational power, and doing the same for a human mind seems like something that is firmly in the realm of the ...Folksonomies: transhumanism
Folksonomies: transhumanism
Child Reference

Books, Brochures, and Chapters>Book: Rajaniemi, Hannu (2011-05-10), The Quantum Thief, Macmillan, Retrieved on 2014-10-14Source Material [books.google.com]
Folksonomies: fiction 18 OCT 2014
The Quiet
‘What was it like? Being Quiet?’ I try my food. The zebra is indeed excellent, dark and juicy: she has good taste. Perhaps she picked it up from me.
She crumbles a piece of bread on her plate, lost in thought. ‘It’s difficult to explain. It’s very abrupt: when your Time runs out, the transition happens. The Resurrection Men just come to pick your body up, but you are already there. It’s like having a stroke. Suddenly, your brain works differently, in a different body, with differ...A post-singularity society where people are with the living for a period of time and use time as currency, and when they die they become "quiet" robotic laborers and servants for a time.
18 OCT 2014
The Gevulot
‘It’s a nice thought.’ He offers her his hand. ‘I am Paul. I got a little lost: all those moving streets. I was hoping you could tell me the way out.’
A trickle of emotion bleeds through his rough visitor’s gevulot: a sense of unease, a weight, a guilt. Xuexue can imagine the old man of the sea sitting on his back. It feels very familiar. And suddenly it is more important to talk to the stranger than to smile at the robot.
‘Sure I can,’ she says. ‘But why don’t you stay ...A device that provides privacy protection with anyone you interact with real or virtual.
18 OCT 2014