Books, Brochures, and Chapters>Book:  Montfort , Nick and Wardrip-Fruin , Noah (2003-02-14), The New Media Reader, The MIT Press, Retrieved on 2010-03-01
Folksonomies: new media culture internet world wide web technology


No Memes Found

Child Reference

 Augmenting Human Intellect
Books, Brochures, and Chapters>Book:  Engelbart, Douglas and Engelbart, Douglas (October 1962), Augmenting Human Intellect, SRI Project 3578 for Air Force Office of Scientific Research, AF 49(638)-1024, Menlo Park, Retrieved on 2008-11-30
  • Source Material []
    Child Reference Memes
    01 JAN 2010

     Arguments Aren't Necessarily Linear

    Conceptually speaking, however, an argument is not a serial affair. It is sequential, I grant you, because some statements have to follow others, but this doesn't imply that its nature is neccesarily serial. We usually string Statement B after Statement A, with Statements C, D, E, F and so on following in that order--this is serial structuring of our symbols. Perhaps each statement logically followed from all those which preceded it on the serial list, and if so, then the conceptual structuri...
      1  notes
    Computers and hypertext overcome the serialization of information caused by the paper medium.

    Child Reference

      Computer Lib: You can and must understand computers now/Dream Machines: New freedoms through computer screens
    Books, Brochures, and Chapters>Book:  Nelson, Ted (1974), Computer Lib: You can and must understand computers now/Dream Machines: New freedoms through computer screens, the distributors, South Bend, IN, Retrieved on 2009-11-30
    Folksonomies: new media
    Child Reference Memes
    No Memes Found

    Child Reference

     The Medium Is the Message
    Books, Brochures, and Chapters>Book:  McLuhan, Marshall (1964), The Medium Is the Message, McGraw Hill, Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man, New York, Retrieved on 2009-11-30
    Child Reference Memes
    01 JAN 2010

     The Content of Any Medium is Always Another Medium

    The electric light is pure information. It is a medium without a message, as it were, unless it is used to spell out some verbal ad or name. This fact, characteristic of all media, means that the "content" of any medium is always another medium. the content of writing is speech, just as the written word is the content of print, and print is the content of the telegraph. ...Whether the light is being used for brain surgery or night baseball is a matter of indifference. It could be argued that ...
    Folksonomies: new media
    Folksonomies: new media
      1  notes
    Mediums are object-oriented, with one extending from another, inheriting from the parent.

    Child Reference

     A Brief History of the Oulipo
    Books, Brochures, and Chapters>Book:  Lescure, Jean (1973), A Brief History of the Oulipo, La Litterature Potentielle, 32-39, Paris, Retrieved on 2009-11-30
    Child Reference Memes
    01 JAN 2010

     Oulipo - "workshop of potential literature"

    Finally elaborated, this definition remains the Oulipo's rule. In his conversations with Charbonnier, Queneau returns to it nearly word for word: The word "potential" concerns the very nature of literature; that is, fundamentally it's less a question of literature strictly speaking than of supplying forms for the good use one can make of literature. We call potential literature the search for new forms and structures that may be used by writers in any way they see fit. Finally, and more recen...
      1  notes
    Example: a book of poems, with each line of the poem given its own cut on the page, so that you can flip individual lines and create new poems. An early form of mashup.

    Child Reference

     Cybernated Art
    Books, Brochures, and Chapters>Book:  Paik, Nam June (1966), Cybernated Art, Manifestos, Great Bear Pamphlets, 24, New York, Retrieved on 2010-11-30
    Child Reference Memes
    01 JAN 2010

     Electronics as the Buddhist Third-Way?

    Newton's physics is the mechanics of power and the unconciliatory two-party system, in which the strong win over the weak. But in the 1920's a German genius put a tiny third-party (grid) between these two mighty poles (cathode and anode) in a vacuum tube, thus enabling the weak to win over the strong for the first time in human history. It might be a Buddhistic "third way," but anyway this German invention led to cybernetics, which came to the world in the last war to shoot down German planes...
      1  notes
    Is Paik referring to Cathode-Ray-Tubes (CRTs), diodes, or triodes in the below quote?

    Child Reference

     The Garden of Forking Paths
    Books, Brochures, and Chapters>Book:  Borges, Jorge Luis (1941), The Garden of Forking Paths, Labyrinths: Selected Stories , 19-29, Buenos Aires, Retrieved on 2008-03-03
    Folksonomies: new media literature
    Child Reference Memes
    01 JAN 2010

     A Fictional Book that Describes Infinite Worlds

    I have translated the entire work: it is clear to me that not once does he employ the word 'time.' The explanation is obvious: The Garden of Forking Paths is an incomplete, but not false, image of the universe as Ts'ui Pen conceived it. In contrast to Newton and Schopenhsauer, your ancestor did not believe in a uniform, absolute time. He believed in an infinite series of times, in a growing, dizzying net of divergent, convergent and parallel times. This network of times which approached one a...
      1  notes
    A book that describes infinite worlds fails without hypertext.

    Child Reference

     Constituents of a Theory of the Media
    Periodicals>Journal Article:  Enzenberger, Hans Magnus (Nov/Dec 1970), Constituents of a Theory of the Media, New Left Review, (64) 13-36, New York, Retrieved on 2010-05-01
  • Source Material []
  • Folksonomies: new media
    Child Reference Memes
    01 JAN 2010

     How Design of Medium Inhibits Growth

    Every transistor radio is, by the nature of its construction, at the same time a potential transmitter; it can interact with other receivers by circuit reversal. The development from a mere distribution medium to a communications medium is technically not a problem. It is consciously prevented fro understandable political reasons. The technical distinction between receivers and transmitters reflects the social division of labor into producers and consumers, which in the consciousness industry...
      1  notes
    Radios are not just for receiving, but for broadcasting, but we don't design them that way. Corporations control our interactions with the medium.
    11 MAY 2013

     The Spectacle of Consumerism

    Henri Lef
    Folksonomies: todo
    Folksonomies: todo
      1  notes

    Advertising and shopping malls form a "permanent theatre".

    30 NOV -0001

     The Tyranny of the Written Word

    Nevertheless, almost everybody speaks better than he writes. (This also applies to authors.) Writing is a highly formalized technique which, in purely physiological terms, demands a peculiarly rigid bodily posture. To this there corresponds the high degree of social specialization that it demands. Professional writers have always tended to think in caste terms. The class character of their work is unquestionable, even in the age of universal compulsory education. The whole process is extraord...
    Folksonomies: phonetics
    Folksonomies: phonetics
      1  notes
    How absurd, nonsensical writing and grammar rules push people out of expressing themselves in a medium that is purely a monologue anyway.

    Child Reference

     As We May Think
    Periodicals>Magazine Article:  Bush, Vannevar (July 1945), As We May Think, Atlantic Monthly, 176(1):101-108, Retrieved on -0001-11-30
    Folksonomies: new media memex information technology
    Child Reference Memes
    01 JAN 2010

     Vannsvar Bush's Memex Vision

    All this is conventional, except for the projection forward of present-day mechanisms and gadgetry. It affords an immediate step, however, to associative indexing, the basic idea of which is a provision whereby any item may be caused at will to select immediately and automatically another. This is the essential feature of the memex. The process of tying two items together is the important thing. When the user is building a trail, he names it, inserts the name in his code book, and taps it out...
      1  notes

    What makes the memex different from other tools is its ability to link memes together and forge "paths" through knowledge.

    Child Reference

     A Research Center for Augmenting Human Intellect
    Periodicals>Journal Article:  English, William and Engelbart, Douglas (1968), A Research Center for Augmenting Human Intellect, AFIPS Conference Proceedings 33, part 1, 395-410, Retrieved on -0001-11-30
    Child Reference Memes
    01 JAN 2010

     An Empirical Research Model for Software Development

    2cThe research approach is strongly empirical. At the workplace of each member of the subject group we aim to provide nearly full-time availability of a CRT work station, and then to work continuously to improve both the service available at the stations and the aggregate value derived therefrom by the group over the entire range of its roles and activities. 2dThus the research group is also the subject group in the experiment. 2d1Among the special activities fo the group are the evolutionary...
      1  notes
    From the paper detailing the invention of the mouse, comes an empirical research methodology used in many software development environments, where the developers are the users and thus experiment on themselves.

    Child Reference

     A File Structure for the Complex, the Changing, and the Indeterminate
    Periodicals>Journal Article:  Nelson, Theodor H. (1965), A File Structure for the Complex, the Changing, and the Indeterminate, Association for Computing Machinery: Proceedings of the 20th National Conference, 84-100, Retrieved on -0001-11-30
    Folksonomies: acm
    Child Reference Memes
    01 JAN 2010

     Description of the Evolutionary File Structure (ELF)

    Here were the preliminary specifications of the system: It would provide an up-to-date index of its own contents (supplanting the
    Folksonomies: new media
    Folksonomies: new media
      1  notes
    Ted Nelson's precursor to hypertext.

    Child Reference

     Man-Computer Symbiosis
    Periodicals>Journal Article:  Licklider, J.C.R (March 1960), Man-Computer Symbiosis, IRE Transactions on Human Factors in Electronics, HFE-1:4-11, Retrieved on -0001-11-30
  • Source Material []
    Child Reference Memes
    01 JAN 2010

     An Antiquated Observation on Computer Memory Storage

    The first thing to face is that we shall not store all the technical and scientific papers in computer memory. We may tore the parts that can be summarized most succinctly--the quantitative parts and the reference citations--but not the whole. Books are among the most beautifully engineered, and human-engineered, components in existence, and they will continue to be functionally important within the context of man-computer symbiosis. (Hopefully, the computer will expedite the finding, deliver...
      1  notes
    MemexPlex stores summarized data for convenience, just the memes, but this author believes storing all published information would be impossible. In his time, it was.

    Child Reference

     E.A.T. Press Release
    Electronic/World Wide Web>Internet Article:   (October 1967)E.A.T. Press Release, Retrieved on -0001-11-30
    Child Reference Memes
    01 JAN 2010

     Experiments in Art and Technology (E.A.T.) Press Release

      1  notes
    Artists cannot develop in isolation. (all caps in original document)

    Child Reference

     Sketchpad, A Man-Machine Graphical Communication System
    Books, Brochures, and Chapters>Book Chapter:  Sutherland, Ivan E (1963), Sketchpad, A Man-Machine Graphical Communication System, American Federation of Information Processing Societies (AFIPS) Conference Proceedings, 23:329-246, Retrieved on -0001-11-30
    Child Reference Memes
    01 JAN 2010

     How Medium Constraints Can Enforce Good Design

    Construction of a drawing with Sketchpad is itself a model of the design process. The locations of the points and lines of the drawing model the variables of a design, and the geometric constraints applied to the points and lines of the drawing model the design constraints which limit the values of design variables. The ability of Sketchpad to satisfy the geometric constraints applied to the parts of a drawing models the ability of a good designer to satisfy all the design conditions imposed ...
      1  notes
    Because Sketchpad forces designers to build small components first, it forces them to adhere to good design practices.

    Child Reference

     "Happenings" in the New York Scene
    Periodicals>Magazine Article:  Kaprow, Allan (1961), "Happenings" in the New York Scene, Art News, 60(3):36-39, 58-62, Retrieved on -0001-11-30
    Child Reference Memes
    01 JAN 2010

     Happenings: Impermanent, Impromptu Art

    In this context of achievement-and-death, artists who make Happenings are living out the purest melodrama. Their activity embodies the myth of nonsuccess, for Happenings cannot be sold and taken home; they can only be supported. And because of their intimate and fleeting nature, only a few people can experience them. They remain isolated and proud. The creators of such events are adventurers too, because much of what they do is unforseen. They stack the deck that way.
      1  notes
    Art as an adventure, where success kills the artist.

    Child Reference

     The Cut-Up Method of Brion Gysin
    Books, Brochures, and Chapters>Book Chapter:  Burroughs, William S. (1961), The Cut-Up Method of Brion Gysin, A Casebook on the Beat, 105-106, New York, Retrieved on -0001-11-30
    Child Reference Memes
    30 NOV -0001

     Cut-And-Paste Before Computers

    The method is simple. Here is one way to do it. Take a page. Like this page. Now cut down the middle and cross the middle. You have four sections: 1 2 3 4... one two three four. Now rearrange the sections placing section four with section one and section two with section three. And you have a new page. Sometimes it says much the same thing, Sometimes something quite different--cutting up political speeches is an interesting exercise--in any case you will find that it says something and someth...
    Folksonomies: mashup
    Folksonomies: mashup
      1  notes
    William S. Burroughs suggests finding new meaning in old works by creating mashups of texts.

    Parent Reference