Books, Brochures, and Chapters>Book Chapter: Sutherland, Ivan E (1963), Sketchpad, A Man-Machine Graphical Communication System, American Federation of Information Processing Societies (AFIPS) Conference Proceedings, 23:329-246, Retrieved on -0001-11-30
01 JAN 2010
How Medium Constraints Can Enforce Good Design
Construction of a drawing with Sketchpad is itself a model of the design process. The locations of the points and lines of the drawing model the variables of a design, and the geometric constraints applied to the points and lines of the drawing model the design constraints which limit the values of design variables. The ability of Sketchpad to satisfy the geometric constraints applied to the parts of a drawing models the ability of a good designer to satisfy all the design conditions imposed ...Because Sketchpad forces designers to build small components first, it forces them to adhere to good design practices.
Parent Reference
The New Media Reader
Books, Brochures, and Chapters>Book: Montfort , Nick and Wardrip-Fruin , Noah (2003-02-14), The New Media Reader, The MIT Press, Retrieved on 2010-03-01
Folksonomies: new media culture internet world wide web technology