Books, Brochures, and Chapters>Book Chapter: Peretti, Jonah (2007), Notes on Contagious Media, Retrieved on 2013-08-05
Folksonomies: information technology culture Memes
05 AUG 2013
The Bored at Work Network (BWN)
Global capitalism has produced hundreds of millions of bored office workers who sit in front of computers forwarding emails and surfing the Web. These alienated white-collar professionals spend half their day sharing media with their friends, inadvertently creating the Bored at Work Network (BWN).
A by-product of alienated labor, the BWN has become the largest alternative to the corporate media. Activists, artists, and hackers can reach millions of people through the BWN, successfully distri...A network where viral memes propagate.
Parent Reference

Books, Brochures, and Chapters>Book: Karaganis, Joe (2007), Structures of participation in digital culture, Social Science Research, Retrieved on 2013-06-29Source Material []
Folksonomies: computers