23 JAN 2011 by ideonexus
The Internet and the Celebrity Population Explosion
Twitter, Celebrity, Asymmetric and Symmetric Social Connections > Cause and Effect > The Population Explosion of Celebrities are Cancelling Each Other OutTwitter, blogs, social networks, and other online communications technologies make it easier to become a celebrity, as a result, celebrity becomes less and less valuable.
12 JAN 2011 by ideonexus
Are Lurkers on Twitter Part of the Community?
Lurkers Are Not Part of the Community > Comparison > Twitter, Celebrity, Asymmetric and Symmetric Social ConnectionsEsther Dyson argued that lurkers are not part of the community, they are fans, people observing the community. This would imply that Twitter users can be simultaneously lurkers in some relationships and community members where two users follow each other and use @reply with each other.
Folksonomies: social networking
Folksonomies: social networking