Babies and Sex Happen in an Unaesthetic Location

From a medical point of view and a humorous one.

Babies Come Through an Unaesthetic Location

I do not know why the Creator unaesthetically put the baby door in this particular location—between the bladder and the rectum. It has necessitated a very unladylike but definitely mother-like position known as squatting to perform the act of giving birth. Whether we like it or not, the act of emptying the baby box is mechanically identical to emptying the rectum. As a man I will never know what it actually feels like having a baby. Being very interested in subjectively preparing mothers-to-be so they will know in advance what it feels like, I have asked this question, by questionnaire and verbally, of thousands of experienced natural-childbirth mothers, whose clear minds, unclouded by medication, know perfectly well what it feels like. I have always received the same answer: \"It feels like having a big bowel movement.\"


Located between the bladder and rectum.

Folksonomies: biology childbirth intelligent design


What Kind of Engineer is God?

Three engineers were having lunch one day, and the talk turned philosophical:

The first engineer wondered what kind of engineering help God had when He created humankind, and proposed \"It must have been a mechanical engineer -- just look at the variety of movements in all the joints of the body!\"

The second engineer responded, \"No, I think it must have been an electrical engineer -- think of how the brain controls all the functions of the body via electrical impulses.\"

The third engineer thought for a moment about his friend\'s opinions, and then said, \"No, it had to be a civil engineer -- who else would run a sewer line through a recreational area???\"


An old joke with an insight into Creationism.

Folksonomies: religion engineering intelligent design joke