Fever-Reducer Impacts on Illness and Recovery
Very little direct research on this, but preliminary data indicates reducing fever extends recovery times for illness.
Folksonomies: medicine fever evidence-based
06 MAR 2016
Fever-Reducer Extends Illness
Multivariate analysis suggested that antipyretic therapy prolonged illness in subjects infected with influenza A, but its use was the result of prolonged illness in those infected with S. sonnei. The precise nature of these relationships requires a prospective, randomized, placebo-controlled trial.This was an unintended discovery of the research on different types of influenza. Subjects who took fever-reducer were ill 3.5 days longer than those who did not.
06 MAR 2016
Iron and Fever
Warm-blooded animals have an elaborate physiological control system to maintain a constant body temperature. In man, this temperature is about 37°C. Any significant deviation from this temperature puts stress on the body and makes it difficult to maintain metabolic processes at their normal rates. Why then, during sickness, should the temperature rise? It would seem that development of fever would cause things to go from bad to worse, and make it more difficult for the body to recuperate. Fe...Fever prevents bacteria from obtaining iron in the from the blood stream,
06 MAR 2016
Fever Reducing Medicines Increase the Spread of Infection
To put our lower bound for fp into perspective, consider that approximately 41 400 (95% CI: 27 100–55 700) deaths per year are attributed to seasonal influenza epidemics in the United States [43] (and an order of magnitude more worldwide [44]). Taken at face value, our results indicate, for example, that if Embedded Image then at least 700 deaths per year (95% CI: 30–2100) (and many more serious illnesses) could be prevented in the US alone by avoiding antipyretic medication for the treat...References
06 MAR 2016
Effect of antipyretic therapy on the duration of illness ...
06 MAR 2016
Population-level effects of suppressing fever
Periodicals>Journal Article: Earn, Andrews, Bolker (22 January 2014), Population-level effects of suppressing fever, Retrieved on 2016-03-06Source Material [rspb.royalsocietypublishing.org]
06 MAR 2016
Iron and Life
Doctoral Dissertations and Master's Theses>Doctoral Dissertation: Emery, Thomas (11-11-1980), Iron and Life, USU Faculty Honor Lectures, Utah State University, Retrieved on 2016-03-06Source Material [digitalcommons.usu.edu]