Education Technology

The World Wide Web enables free, self-directed, and engaging education. We need open-source, democratized systems to track learning.

Folksonomies: education technology self-directed learning


03 MAR 2015

 The Need for Explorative Education Tracking

Governments, employers, and other interested third parties still look to traditional institutions of education to verify that learning has taken place. Schools and colleges thus play the same centralized, closed system role that banks do in the financial system. Like banks that ensure the validity and authenticity of financial transactions, educational institutions award degrees of completion that “validate” (albeit poorly) that a particular learner has learned a certain skill, competency...
  1  notes


03 MAR 2015

 What Bitcoin Can Teach Us About Education

Electronic/World Wide Web>Internet Article:  Gold, Darren (02/22/2015), What Bitcoin Can Teach Us About Education, Retrieved on 2015-03-03
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  • Folksonomies: education tracking
    Folksonomies: education tracking