Periodicals>Journal Article:  Bradbury, Robert J. (1997-2000), Matrioshka Brains, Retrieved on 2014-11-06
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  • Folksonomies: computation


    06 NOV 2014

     Matrioshka Brains

    Matrioshka Brains (MB)1 are megascale computers constructed out of microelectronic and/or nanoscale components.  MB may be constructed as shells around a star (internally powered Matrioshka Brains: IPMB) or may be constructed independently of a star if large amounts of power are harvested from stars in other locations and beamed to the MB (externally powered Matrioshka Brains: EPMB).  A third variant, (self-powered Matrioshka Brains: SPMB) which generates power via controlled n...
     1  1  notes
    06 NOV 2014

     Human Communication with Matrioshka Brains

    Communication between humans and MB is essentially pointless.  The computational capacity difference between a MB and a human is on the order of 1016 (ten million billion) times greater than the difference between a human and a nematode (~109)!  A single MB can emulate the entire history of human thought in a few microseconds.  It is important to consider that intelligence may not be a linear process.  There is a rather large difference between the...
      1  notes

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