Electronic/World Wide Web>Internet Article:  Grohol, John (2014), Why Social Networks Like Facebook Fail, World of Psychology, Retrieved on 2014-03-03
  • Source Material [psychcentral.com]
  • Folksonomies: social networking psychology


    03 MAR 2014

     Why Social Networks Fail

    Identity management is what we all do, every day, consciously or unconsciously. We do it in-person, in face-to-face meetings at work, with our friends, and yes, even with our partners and lovers. But we do the vast majority of it consciously online. Identity management is simply the curation of the details of your life — what you choose to share, when and with whom. We’re doing it when we share a link on Facebook, or a video on YouTube. What network do we share this with? Who will see it? Wh...
    Folksonomies: social networking
    Folksonomies: social networking
      1  notes

    Because eventually you have so many friends that you can't post anything without fear of offending someone and the image-management becomes to stressful.

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