Electronic/World Wide Web>Internet Article: The Onion, (Jan 9, 2014), English Professor Suddenly Realizes Students Will Believe Literally Anything She Says, The Onion, ISSUE 50•01, Retrieved on 2014-01-11Source Material [www.theonion.com]
Folksonomies: education humor satire Memes
11 JAN 2014
The Problem with English Teaching
Midway through her 9 a.m. Intro to American Literature course Thursday, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Professor Elizabeth Mabrey suddenly realized that her students would accept, without question, literally any words that came out of her mouth as absolute, incontrovertible fact, sources confirmed. “I could say that On the Road was an overt metaphor for the Vietnam War and they would jot it down in their notebooks without any hesitation whatsoever,” said Mabrey, adding that, come midter...This is satire, but the subjective nature of the subject makes this a real problem for students.