Electronic/World Wide Web>Internet Article:  Dyson , Freeman (May 13, 2013), Interviews: Freeman Dyson Answers Your Questions, Slashdot, Retrieved on 2013-05-13
  • Source Material [science.slashdot.org]
  • Folksonomies: science education interviews


    13 MAY 2013

     Esther Dyson Forged Her Own Path

    Thank you for your compliment to Esther and to her parents. We do not claim credit for her achievements. She was lucky to be the oldest of six, so we had little time for her and gave her little of our attention. She befitted from our benign neglect. She learned from a young age to choose her own path through life. She chose for her motto: "Always make new mistakes." I believe that is the key to her happy and productive life.
      1  notes

    In response to my question: "You're daughter Esther is one of the most incredibly inspiring women role models alive today. Do you have any parenting advice for those of out here with kids of our own who would like them to become similarly active, positive, and brilliant adults?"

    13 MAY 2013

     AI Fails Because it Uses the Wrong Kinds of Computers

    My own opinion is that AI has failed to fulfill its promise because we are using the wrong kind of computers. We are using digital computers, and the human brain is probably analog rather than digital. So my guess is that AI will succeed only after we move from digital to analog computing. This is a tough intellectual problem that cannot be solved just by spending a lot of money.
    Folksonomies: computer science brain ai
    Folksonomies: computer science brain ai
      1  notes

    Human brains are analog, computers are digital.

    13 MAY 2013

     Public Policy Shouldn't Bet on Science

    You ask whether, given a choice, I would put more resources into space or AI. My answer is that either choice would be stupid. Politicians always want to make such choices too soon, because they imagine they can pick winners. Usually they pick losers. The only way to improve the chances for finding winners is to keep all the choices open and try them all. That is particularly true for space and AI, which are not really competing with each other. They are done by different kinds of people in d...
      1  notes

    It will always bet wrong. All science should be open, free, and supported.

    Parent Reference