Notes from the "Science Project Showcase" session
No direct quote for this meme.Notes from the various online projects presented in this session.
Karen James
Galapagos Live
· Survival Rival – teens compete against each other to make Darwin videos, winner goes to Galapagos.
· Darwin Online: searches against all of darwin’s writings
· Wanted girls who won the contest to recreate Darwin’s experience, taking notes, but doing so online and uploading photos.
NASA STS-133 Launch Tweetup
· Nasa has over 30 twitter accounts, astronauts tweet live from space.
· People sign up for tweetup, 100-200 are selected, and get a front row seat to the launch
· VAB - Vehicle Assembly Building
· Commander of Shuttle is husband of Gabriel Giffords
· Follow @nasa and @nasatweetup – will post link to signup
· Follow #nasatweetup
ISS Wave
· Heavensabove website: give your location and it will tell you where to look to see the ISS in the night sky
· @twist will send you a tweet when the ISS will pass that night.
· Wouldn’t it be cool to coordinate a mass wave at the ISS around the world. Created a map of people waving at the ISS over the holidays.
· ISS goes around every 90 minutes. Need to see it right at sunset to get the reflection of the suns rays.
· Maybe schedule one for Yuri’s night, this year is the 50th anniversary (April ?DATE?)
Sophia Collins
I’m a Scientist
· See Stacy Baker’s Presentation
· Students appear to get invested in scientists, rooting for them the way we root for designers on Project Runway.
· Student’s ask scientists any question they want.
· How hard would it be to set this up with Joomla or Drupal?
· Go to website and look at archive from last year: 6,400 students asking thousands of questions.
· Kids get engaged because of the reversal of power, students get to ask the questions and students get to decide which scientists get to move on.
· 60% of students went on the site in their own time at home.
· Scientists got into it, staying up late making videos
· Scientists can come from anywhere, students are primarily from UK, but other schools can apply
· Majority of scientists are academic
Kristi Holmes
· Semantic web platform to highlight scientists areas of expertise and interests.
· 120 people at 7 different institutions working on it.
· So much information, vivo filters down to meaningful results
· Harvests data from verified sources, uses RDF triples
· For collaboration, finding resources in academia,
· Did a search on biomedical informatics, got a list of potential collaborators
· Profile with data from PubMed, coauthorship record
· Each institution maintains their own data, allowing customization to the institution and what’s meaningful to the organization.
· Open Source: see sourceforge
Adrian Ebsary
Peer Review Radio
· Interviews with scientists based around a theme, subjects are given questions before hand
· Encourage students into journalism, teach them writing skills, train students in web design and sound editing skills
Parent Reference