Books, Brochures, and Chapters>Book:  Jevons , William Stanley (1913), Principles of Science: A Treatise on Logic and Scientific Method, Retrieved on 2012-06-06
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    06 JUN 2012

     Find Analogies Between Different Branches of Science

    Whoever wishes to acquire a deep acquaintance with Nature must observe that there are analogies which connect whole branches of science in a parallel manner, and enable us to infer of one class of phenomena what we know of another. It has thus happened on several occasions that the discovery of an unsuspected analogy between two branches of knowledge has been the starting point for a rapid course of discovery.
    Folksonomies: discovery
    Folksonomies: discovery
      1  notes

    From there, discoveries will amass.

    06 JUN 2012

     Experiments of Fact and Quantity

    Experiments may be of two kinds: experiments of simple fact, and experiments of quantity. ...[In the latter] the conditions will ... vary, not in quality, but quantity, and the effect will also vary in quantity, so that the result of quantitative induction is also to arrive at some mathematical expression involving the quantity of each condition, and expressing the quantity of the result. In other words, we wish to know what function the effect is of its conditions. We shall find that it is o...
    Folksonomies: experimentation
    Folksonomies: experimentation
      1  notes

    Quantity gathers numerical results, fact seeks the laws governing those results.

    06 JUN 2012

     Passive and Active Observation

    It is usual to say that the two sources of experience are Observation and Experiment. When we merely note and record the phenomena which occur around us in the ordinary course of nature we are said to observe. When we change the course of nature by the intervention of our will and muscular powers, and thus produce unusual combinations and conditions of phenomena, we are said to experiment. [Sir John] Herschel has justly remarked that we might properly call these two modes of experience passiv...
     1  1  notes

    The difference between noting phenomena and experimenting with them.

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