21 MAR 2015 by ideonexus
Spelling and Grammar is Ancestor Worship
The fetishization of "correct" English -- which is to say, white, wealthy English -- is in direct opposition to everything that makes English such a glorious drunkard's debauch of a language.
English came to us from the inventive malapropism and linguistic entrepreneurship of its speakers: from Shakespeare, who coined words wholesale; to the working-class streets with their heterodox cursing and rhyming slangs.
To demand the immobilization of this restless, incontinent language is a form of b...13 MAR 2015 by ideonexus
Spelling Reform Requires Competition of Spelling Options
The first condition of rational progress in spelling
reform is that persons who know, or who think they
know, how words should be speld, should recover some-
thing of their former freedom to spel in accordance
with individual judgment. Only in that way can there
be a wholesome rivalry of forms with ultimate survival
of the best.
The Board does not expect any one to adopt a spelling
that, to him, suggests a pronunciation at variance with
his usage.
Those whose temper moves them to ...Not everyone hears or speaks words the same way. Let variances of spelling propagate and have the public adopt that which seems correct by consensus.