05 MAR 2015 by ideonexus
Gradualistic Mode and Saltatory Mode
Based on modern and contemporary history, there are two ways in which the results of fundamental scientific research can be converted into practical applications: gradualistic mode and saltatory mode.
Gradualistic mode: theoretical, fundamental results are gradually applied to technology; advances accumulate until they reach a breakthrough. Recent examples include the development of space technology.
Saltatory mode: theoretical, fundamental results rapidly become applied technology, leading...24 JAN 2015 by ideonexus
A Black Hole is a Star Forever Falling Inward
He talked to us about the new theory of black holes which he had then just worked out. The idea of a black hole was one of the most dramatic consequences of Einstein's theory of gravity. According to Einstein's equations, a massive star at the end of its life, when it has exhausted its nuclear fuel, continues to contract and grow smaller and denser under the influence of its own gravitation. After the nuclear fuel is used up, the star goes into a state of gravitational collapse. All parts of ...03 MAR 2012 by ideonexus
Scientists are Close-Minded
Science progresses not because scientists as a whole are passionately open-minded but because different scientists are passionately closed-minded about different things.Folksonomies: scientific method paradigms
Folksonomies: scientific method paradigms
And that keeps scientific knowledge secure.