12 NOV 2015 by ideonexus
Humans as Self-Domesticating Animals
at the end of the Pleistocene, certain human
groups and their animal associates began progressively
to show parallel reductions in size and stature,
cranial gracilization, changes in post-cranial robusticity,
shortening of the face and jaws, tooth crowding and malocclusion,
and tooth-size reduction and simplification.
There has been no recent attempt to explain the parallelism,
although numerous explanations exist for the
changes as they affect one or other of the parties. Some
of the explana...Restrictive environments, artificially constructed give us many of the traits shared with the animals we domesticate.
12 NOV 2015 by ideonexus
Attributes of Domesticated Animals
The study of domesticated animals since Darwin’s influential
work (1868) has culminated in the formation
of a set of changes that are claimed to distinguish domestic
populations from wild species (for recent outlines
of these see Price 1984, 1999; Hemmer 1990; Tchernov
and Horwitz 1991; Hall 1993; Teichert 1993; Smith 1995;
Zohary, Tchernov, and Horwitz 1998; Clutton-Brock
1999; Trut 1999). Although not uniformly present in all
domesticated species, those affecting the skeleton may
include ...Folksonomies: evolution domestication
Folksonomies: evolution domestication
18 FEB 2015 by ideonexus
Human Self-Domestication
...the hypothesis of human self-domestication has recently been revived as a possible explanation of changes of human physical traits since the late Pleistocene. These changes include the reduction of body size and decrease in skeletal robusticity, modifications in cranial and dental features including reduction in cranial capacity, shortening of the facial region of the skull and maleruption of teeth, and reduction in sexual dimorphism. In contrast to earlier biological writings, other domes...18 FEB 2015 by ideonexus
How Humans Living in Civilization are Like Domesticated A...
The first characteristic is living in an artificial environment. Humans established cities and converted the space we live in, to the utmost degree, into an artificial environment. We carry out our lives surrounded by houses, roads, water and sewer systems, automobiles, trains, and electricity. Waking up early, riding a train to one’s place of employment, and working in an air-conditioned office bears a certain resemblance to a chicken in a livestock factory. [7/8]
The second characte...Folksonomies: civilization domestication
Folksonomies: civilization domestication
An interesting argument, but feels like a stretch.