09 AUG 2014 by ideonexus
Insulation of Elites Compounds Societal Collapse
The scenarios most closely reflecting the reality of our world today are found in the third group of experiments (see the scenarios for an unequal society in section 5.3), where we introduced economic stratication. Under such conditions, we nd that collapse is dicult to avoid, which helps to explain why economic stratication is one of the elements consistently found in past collapsed societies. Importantly, in the rst of these unequal society scenarios, 5.3.1, the solution appears to be on a ...09 AUG 2014 by ideonexus
Two Kinds of Societal Collapse
Running the model in dierent scenarios produces two kinds of collapses, either due to scarcity
of labor (following an inequality-induced famine) or due to scarcity of Nature (depletion of natural
resources). We categorize the former case as a Type-L (Disappearance of Labor) Collapse and
the latter as a Type-N collapse (Exhaustion of Nature). In a Type-L collapse, growth of the
Elite Population strains availability of resources for the Commoners. This causes decline of the
Commoner Population ...09 AUG 2014 by ideonexus