09 NOV 2019 by ideonexus
Variable Ratio Schedule for Getting Kids Addicted to Boar...
In light of the above, here’s a solid Variable Ratio Schedule for playing board games with your kid:
the first time you play a particular game, let the kid win.
thereafter, let the kid win some of the time. 60% of the time is good to start (you can dial it down slowly as the kid improves if you want).
make the sequence of wins and losses as random as possible.
critically, make the outcome as close as you can every time, especially when the kid loses. She should always feel like she bare...09 NOV 2019 by ideonexus
A Quantum Game
Bell came up with “nonlocal” games, which require players to be at a distance from each other with no way to communicate. Each player answers a question. The players win or lose based on the compatibility of their answers.
One such game is the magic square game. There are two players, Alice and Bob, each with a 3-by-3 grid. A referee tells Alice to fill out one particular row in the grid — say the second row — by putting either a 1 or a 0 in each box, such that the sum of the number...04 NOV 2018 by ideonexus
Emergence in Board Games
Emergence is above all a product of coupled, context-dependent interactions. Technically these interactions, and the resulting system, are nonlinear: The behavior of the overall system cannot be obtained by summing the behaviors of its constituent parts. We can no more truly understand strategies in a board game by compiling statistics of the movements of its pieces than we can understand the behavior of an ant colony in terms of averages. Under these conditions, the whole is indeed more tha...Folksonomies: emergence board games
Folksonomies: emergence board games
02 NOV 2018 by ideonexus
Input and Output Randomness
The fundamental difference between randomness that support strategy and randomness that under cuts strategy, input randomness allows the player to build the strategy output randomness undercuts it and limits your ability to plan ahead. For example let's look at Pandemic this is a great example of input randomness flicking the cards is certainly random, create a situation that the players need to react to that reaction is completely deterministic. If for example you have to roll dies if you re...Input randomness is a random initial state for a game, while output randomness is rolling dice or drawing cards during the game. The second removes strategy from the game.