28 DEC 2016 by ideonexus
The Staggering Amount of Progress Made in Recent History
'Millennium' is full of gratitude for the staggering advances of 1,000 years
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One of the most bracing aspects of 'Millennium' is the breadth of factors it covers, from food production to sanitation conditions to the Christian Church Militant to the development of firearms to radical changes in transportation of both people and products.
By Steve Donoghue NOVEMBER 24, 2016
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View CaptionAbout video adsView Cap...31 MAY 2015 by ideonexus
Speciation of the Human Race
On a time-scale of a thousand years, neither politics nor
technology is predictable. China and Japan are the only
major political units that have lasted that long. A thousand
years ago, Europe was an unimportant peninsula
lying on the edge of the more advanced and civilized
Arab world. The technologies of today would be unintelligible
to our ancestors of a millennium ago. The
only human institutions that retain their identities over
a thousand years are languages, cultures, and religions.
Per...Folksonomies: futurism speciation
Folksonomies: futurism speciation
03 JAN 2011 by ideonexus
Dimensions of an Atomic Size Computer
If we somehow manage to make an atomic size computer, it would mean that the dimension, the linear dimension, is a thousand to ten thousand times smaller than those very tiny chips that we have now. It means that the volume of the computer is 100 billionth or 10^-11 of the present volume, because the volume of the "transistor" is smaller by a factor of 10^-11 than the transistors we make today. The energy requirements for a single switch is also about eleven orders of magnitude smaller than t...Folksonomies: computing
Folksonomies: computing
As described by Richard Feynman in 1985, with the benefits in energy consumption and processing power that come with it.