13 OCT 2013 by ideonexus

 The Glory of the Library of Alexandria

Alexander had already devoted considerable sums to finance the enquiries of Aristotle, but Ptolemy I was the first person to make a permanent endowment of science. He set up a foundation in Alexandria which was formerly dedicated to the Muses, the Museum {151}of Alexandria. For two or three generations the scientific work done at Alexandria was extraordinarily good. Euclid, Eratosthenes who measured the size of the earth and came within fifty miles of its true diameter, Apollonius who wrote o...
  1  notes

The star scientists and inventions that came out of it's first century.

01 JAN 2010 by ideonexus

 The End of the Wild Wild Web

The shift of the digital frontier from the Web, where the browser ruled supreme, to the smart phone, where the app and the pricing plan now hold sway, signals a radical shift from openness to a degree of closed-ness that would have been remarkable even before 1995. In the U.S., there are only three major cell-phone networks, a handful of smart-phone makers, and just one Apple, a company that has spent the entire Internet era fighting the idea of open (as anyone who has tried to move legally p...
Folksonomies: new media wild wild web
Folksonomies: new media wild wild web
  1  notes

Stewart Brand said "Information wants to be free" but he also said that "Information wants to be expensive." As corporations restrict what we can do with computers, making them simpler, like the iPad and smart phones, where restrictions are marketed as features, the Internet becomes more homogenized, and we are more willing to pay for the content provided.